Question: A question for the crafters: Do you do runs by ped or item count ?


Jan 13, 2008
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Herco Coz Mann
Another words, example only, would you do a 100 ped run or a 100 item run ? I know it has to do with the item because a 100 ped run on some things may be a 100 items and others not even one. But this is just a guide line for me. One other question. All things being equal and by looking at the chat window at gbls and HOFs it seems that more costly items give more loot most of the time, so do you try to do items at your maxed level. I know these are really general questions but like I said some thing I can use as a basic guide line. BTW I am not much of a crafter so please keep it simple like you are talking to a noob, which you are:)
Components are meant to be clicked 1000s of times.

End products like a piece of Armor are meant to be clicked until a success (with Residue or on Condition).

Your residue to manufacture the end product is gained from your component clicks and supplemented by trades/auction.


You could use the crafting system like a slot machine and go for the globals and HOFs. There is more risk involved in this method and it is done by crafting on the Condition side of the slider bar. If successful, you usually end up with lots of residue. You greatly reduce your chance of success but the payout can be higher.
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As a shop owner, I craft enough items to keep my stock levels where I want them. For many items that means I am only crafting 1 to 5 items at a time. For items with high turnover, where I can afford to hold higher stock levels, I'll do bigger runs of x clicks - say 30 to 100. I have around 65k TT tied up in stock at moment.

Of course, smaller runs produce a lot of variability in returns. I have to track my long term costs to establish appropriate pricing, accepting that sometimes I will be selling at a loss but that in the long term I will come out ahead.

Components I will grind to provide ingredients for item crafting, ranging from 100 to 1k clicks. I need a lot of different components and resources etc for the various weapons I craft so I try to not craft much more components that I am likely to need soonish, to avoid tying up lots of peds.

I avoid (mostly) crafting any bp that I don't have maxed. I craft in order to sell so that is my criteria for choosing what to craft.
