Question: Advice on weapon type


Jun 18, 2008
Toronto, ON
Avatar Name
Brian Xeurol Kyr
(Not sure whether this goes in Weapons or Hunting, but I'm pretty sure here in weapons...)

So, I've been a laser pistoleer my whole EU experience now (level 14 laser hit, so, low-mid leveled), and I've decided I want to switch to BLP. Now, naturally, I'd want to stick with pistols, but after some investigation with SIB weapons, it seems that BLP pistols and BLP rifles with the same SIB level have the same DPS and minor dmg/pec differences (eg: Isis BL1000 and CB21 both start SIB @ level 20, same DPS).
That being said, if a level 20 BLP pistol did the same DPS as a level 20 BLP rifle, obviously the rifle would be the better choice since it has double the range for pre-emptive striking. Another thing I noticed is that markups on pistols later on are quite higher than rifles, I'm guessing due to rifles being more popular in EU.

So, upon this research I've done, rifles seem to have the upper hand in effectiveness and cost, but I want to stick with pistols. Is there anyone that can enlighten me on my situation here?
If your hunting mobs with low regen then just get a long range tagger, nothing too flash but enough to pull the mobs and get some HP off them, while giving you time (again, regen can get you here) to change to pistol.

I've always found using a super long range tagger a regular rifle and a super fast (but low output per shot) pistol for finishing works best.

Or just grab a maddox IV and a beast and go hit some hoggies!!
If the pistol does less damage but fires faster to do the same dmg/sec as the rifle, then the same amp would do more dmg/sec and dmg/overall cost on the pistol than on the rifle.

At least that's how I understand it.

I don't agree with the rifle idea. However you have a point that rifles are great for distance. But if you look at a real life fight based on this game. Close range combat with a rifle is not the best idea. Think of it like this. if you and I are shooting each other and closing the distance on each other and I pull out my pistol and you have your rifle every time you point it at me I have an easy ability to slap it out of the way, where a pistol is a bit more manageable. I have done several test using both rifles and pistols. I have found that time and time again you will miss more shots with a rifle at close range than a pistol. Now lets face it, in this game nothing you shot at a far distance stays at that distance very long, all mobs will close in on you as fast as they can.

I spent several years in the US military and have learned one thing, PUT BOMBS ON TARGETS. so if I miss more with the rifle I am failing to put bombs on targets. Therefore I am losing more peds in the long run using the rifle.

I think you should do a test with both rifles and pistols to see which is really more cost effective for you.
BLP is great if you want DPS as you can use eco amps like the Beast and Dante, but at lvl 14 you have a long way to go. I'd stick with the eco Laser pistols until you get to at least level 30 and then start looking at changing to BLP. Maybe start skilling a bit now with a CB13 to tag with, but stay with Laser pistols as a main weapon.
What i did was to skill up laser pistol and BLP rifle simultaneously. Then everything gets more or less evened out. Once you hit lvl 30 laser pistol, you will unlock, and that will make it somewhat easier to skill the rest.
Laser pistols (mid lev) = excellect durability = 1 pec decay
BLP rifles (mid lev) = good durability = 3 pec decay


110% rifle = 130% gun
150% rifle = 250% gun


See? Thats the main difference.

Wow, thanks for the advice everyone. Helpful stuff. I'm taking into consideration a few of your points and I think I'll stay pistols.