

Chaotic Good
Sep 30, 2006
Avatar Name



The full name of this creature is the Aetherexenosaur, the 'Sky King'. These majestic creatures ride on the high winds far up in the sky. They need to land on the ground to feed, which makes them vulnerable and also far more aggressive.

Creature Type


Damage Type

To add


Old Alpha22900Great821559088


Calypso7450081100YoungVery LowMixed with Caudatergus & Drone14-Apr-15
Calypso3626059758Alpha to StalkerMedium15-May-21


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Not sure how interesting this is since there are few motivating factors for targeting this mob, but I made a detailed breakdown of my run for the "Kill Aetherex on mountains" mission. I knew my equipment was less than optimum and wanted to record the cost. I reckon others are in the same situation though since fitting attire for this creature's extreme damage is not easy to obtain for everybody. So here is what to expect:
Hiring a strong healer or going in team is probably more advisable than attempting it alone.

Missing data submitted.

Hi Mega, just wanted to note that Aetherex have recently changed, the 3D model and texture.
I also noticed they move around a lot more and are more aggressive, bit like Tantillion.
When one is now in your area, there seems to be a 75% change they will attack you.

I hunt Rextelum for my mission at the Island of Jameson's reach. Last hunt there I noticed a change in damages I received. Not sure if this is recent or had been changed long already. Below is a screenshot of my boar part showing damage in all protections, which is a bit odd. However after every hunt it is my standard routine to first repair everything, so I am sure the damage was from my last rex hunt.
During that hunt, that I did near Jameson's reach, the only creatures that attacked me where,
Rextelum, Sabakuma and Aetherex.


Tonight I will do another hunt there and try to determine which creature does what kind of damage.
I will also take screenshots of the new Aetherex and post them here. ;)
Below is a screenshot of my boar part showing damage in all protections, which is a bit odd.

That's completely normal. Protection is always reduced uniformly for all damage types as the armour decays, no matter what damage type is received. So even from a 100% Impact mob, for example (which I believe is what Aetherex has generally been thought to be, though I have never tested it), you'd expect to have a reduction in all protection as shown in your screenshot. In this case all protection is at approximately 98% of maximum, meaning the armour part must have been decayed to approximately 98% of maximum TT.

That's not to necessarily say that you're wrong about the change, but only that this situation doesn't provide any evidence of it. If there was a change to aggression and/or damage we'd expect the mob's L number to change too - has it?

A screenie would be excellent if you can get one - if you can give us one at 500 x 500 pixels that'd be perfect :)
That's completely normal. Protection is always reduced uniformly for all damage types as the armour decays, no matter what damage type is received. So even from a 100% Impact mob, for example (which I believe is what Aetherex has generally been thought to be, though I have never tested it), you'd expect to have a reduction in all protection as shown in your screenshot. In this case all protection is at approximately 98% of maximum, meaning the armour part must have been decayed to approximately 98% of maximum TT.

That's not to necessarily say that you're wrong about the change, but only that this situation doesn't provide any evidence of it. If there was a change to aggression and/or damage we'd expect the mob's L number to change too - has it?

A screenie would be excellent if you can get one - if you can give us one at 500 x 500 pixels that'd be perfect :)
Thanks for explaining Oleg, I must be getting old, :laugh:. But correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't this different before ? When I creature did only impact damage, did not only the impact protection lose tt value ? But I hardly looked at those numbers, just repair and move on.

Anyway, I won't have to bother with testing then. ;)

Will get the screenshots en bring an scanner for then Aetherex numbers.
My screenshots come at 1920 x 1080.

Added screenshots ;)

Well looks like I am indeed getting older :laugh: , as the 3D model looks the same to me.
Also the numbers are still the same as in Mega his screenshot.

But the texture has changed for sure.
They now have a more leather like skin and those white spots are gone now. ;)

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Thanks for explaining Oleg, I must be getting old, :laugh:. But correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't this different before ? When I creature did only impact damage, did not only the impact protection lose tt value ? But I hardly looked at those numbers, just repair and move on.

It's only fairly recently that the decrease in protection has been visible in the item info window, so I suppose we can't be 100% sure that it's always worked in exactly the same way, but I don't know of any reason to believe that it hasn't.

Yes, they have had a slight makeover. Still as tricky to screenshot as they rarely stay still (when not attacking)

This mob may get some interest now with Codex. The best spawn i found was on a mountain top near Jameson's Reach tp. The coords are approx 36260, 59820. It is mostly Old Alpha to Stalkers.
This mob may get some interest now with Codex. The best spawn i found was on a mountain top near Jameson's Reach tp. The coords are approx 36260, 59820. It is mostly Old Alpha to Stalkers.
Thanks for this 2021 post, still a great spot for the Daily 3 Hunting mission (Kill 40 Aetherex) (y)
