Alinoë Vera Diary


Oct 3, 2010
One moment I was sitting in my seat and the next thing I knew, the pilot yelled something about robots attacking.
The lights went out and the last thing I remember is some loud mechanical noises like the ship was falling apart.

Then there was light again; and nausea and pain. It seemed I made it to Calypso after all. though my jumpsuit for some reason hasn't made it with me :S

After learning to move around a bit; strangely you need to select aim mode under options to move like you would do in every other game. I went to talk to some people (NPC). They where easy to spot since they where the only ones not in their underwear. I learned that some machine put back together the bits and pieces I was in; and reinserted my memories. I wonder where they got my memories in the first place; but now that I'm starting to think about it; maybe it is better that I don't know really.

I did all the missions I could find; but they were kind of weird.
In the crafting mision I though I would make something usefull, like a gun or some clothes. I really could have used the latter. But I got a filter blueprint and made filters with it. Now I still not know what to do with them; luckely I found a trade terminal later on that gave me 10 pec for it.

In the mining mission, I went mining but instead of a post futuristic pick axe I got a finder that reads the echo's caused by detonating a bomb (which doesn't harm you, even if you stand on top of it). okay, I personally would use a sonar and read the reflected vibes to determine the density of matter but anything using explosives has to be more fun right?

That instructor obviously was biased and payed by Omegaton if you ask me. He asked me what I found of the mining tool; and when I said it felt like playing with a plastic toy he got irritated and gave me a lecture about the Omegaton gamma of mining tools. I was about to ask why they made a huge range of tools instead of one good one; but luckily I know when to shut up :)

After that I needed a drink, but couldn't find one. I found a veteran, who after calling me a terran and talking something about gravity-less colonies told me the short story about Calypso. I got some ammo from him.
Afterwards he asked for a beer though; but I said that I couldn't find a cold one myself.
Though why would he ask for a beer from someone walking round in her undies on a planet that hasn't had a single shipment of beer ever (as I learned later).
I think he wasn't half the veteran he pretended to be; or half a brain for that matter.

Now I did the hunting missions, and while they where the most fun ones.they luckely didn't include bringing some animal piece back to the quest giver like many other games. Though it is a bit of a shame that you only get one type of weapon.
I tend to miss alot but that must be my low skills I guess. Also I didn't get many mobs with loot but maybe it is because it are such small mobs. One thing I have learned is that yellow text is bad, just like red one.

after that I met some freaky proffesor that asks for some blue and red crystal thingies. After she scans them I asks if she needs more. Upon which she replies in a dry and serious voice that by scanning the crystals she actually gathers information about me :O
ok, I thought and slowly stepped back, away from her, slowly going to the teleporter.

The teleporter man was another strange encounter. I learned that I can teleport to a teleporter if I already know where it is. But if I don't know where it is I can still teleport there by some kind of boost. Now the funny thing is that instead of making that a standard procedure they have the opinion that it is better to risk your life in the wild lands of Calypso to find a teleporter instead of just making them all available.

I kinda started to feel maybe I didn't survived the robot attack and I was in some kind of mind tearing borrow of hell or so (like the movie Jacobs ladder, but with NPCs instead of demons).

Now after I arrived at Port atlantis; which neither is a port nor an Island, the mission broker told me to go to swamp camp. I decided to eat first.
After dinner I logged back in and got the message that, the server I was trying to log into had reached its population limit and asked if I would like to log into another server. I pressed OK, assuming I would be able to choose a server but apparently you do not get to choose.
Ahh well, this must be a very busy game I thought if some servers camp with exceeding population limits.

I arrived in a place called Cape Corinth and when I asked in general chat where swamp camp is; I got the very relieving response that it's hours away.
Now I must say that I didn't like to go there anyway. The idea of a swamp isn't very tempting actually. If you say swamp I think bugs, mosquito's, mud and ruined shoes (that is if I would have gotten any).
Now talking about bugs, I found a wiki site about entropia and it listed bugs that lay eggs inside your carcass after poisoning you, other that suck blood and are ravenous. And since I don't have any other weapon then an almost broken rookie gun, I was kinda happy being on some white beach.

Now, from what I asked it seems that my rookie tools where useless here and a blue garbage can (trade terminal) gave me 1.21ped for it. I took the deal and decided to go explore east since it held the greatest landmass. Besides somewhere east from it some roads crossed on the map with a few squares and I thought that there might be a huge city there.
While reading about the creatures on Calypso and realising I didn't have any means of defense I decided to take a swim. As it seems there aren't many sea creatures here so I was safe as I thought I would be.

After a long swim I ended up being eaten by an atrox so I revived at a place called Tethys creek. Now it might still be a coincidence, but I think that the game developer in charge of names was very uninspired at the time and had a book about Greek mythology laying beside him; or he must be a hardcore Greek mythology fan.
Either way, I was surrounded by small T-Rex creatures and it took me a long time to escape that hades-hole.

And what do you know, I arrive at a place called Fort Ithica and yes this time it is an Island. Only I didn't found a fort; only bizarre and not very practically looking buildings. The place seemed smaller then the map would show but at least it had a teleporter. And I only died 6 times to find it, which brings me back to the booster me every teleporter for the love of sparing the revive terminal sake.

Another strange thing I have noticed is that the radar doesn't show all mobs around you; which makes it kinda annoying since I got killed a few time by a dino hiding behind a tree. I didn't had my sound on; but I though I could here it laughing when I approached. Must have been my imagination I guess.

I talked to some player at Ithica and got a ride from Atlantis to swamp camp. I must say swamp camp isn't what I had imagined. It was more like a car park near a lake.

Well that was all the time I had to play today; but I can surely say it was a very interesting experience.

to be continued..
Welcome to Calypso :D

Sure sounds like you had an intresting day. Hope you enjoy your stay on our lovely planet :cool:

Nice read :)
Wait for the revamp of Swamp Camp :) It will come soon. Port Atlantis will get a remake too.

Welcome to the universe. I hope you enjoy your stay :)