Allophyl Annihilation Stage 2


Jul 11, 2006
Tampere, Finland
Avatar Name
sami samppa salomon

Allophyl Annihilation​

Event starts at 17th of March 00:01 MA Time and ends at 8th of June 23:59 MA time. Total of 3 months.
This event is for both miners and hunters.

Where is the Land Area ?​


This Event​

There is 2 Events on this time Weekly and the 3 Months Maraton

The weekly prize pool for this event is 500 peds. The Prizepool will be distributed to the top 3 scoring players.

There is also an longer event the Maraton. Every point you score gets added to your total Maraton scores. The top 3 persons who scores the most during this 3 months Maraton will recieve a prize from 3000 peds prize pool.

Point reductions at the end of each week​

At the end of each week the players who rank the top 3 and win the prizes will have thier points reduced to 0 for the following week thereby giving all other contestants a head start on them for the next week as they will retain all their points. All non prize winners carry ALL thier points onto the next week.

What can you find on LA​

Land area has Allophyls from Alpha to Prowler
Minerals that can be found on LA GOLD, Alferix, Lysterium, Oil, Dunkel, Lumis leach, Force nexus and Sweet stuff.

How does it work?

To score points and to be ranked in the event you must submit your global/hof screenshots in this forum thread with time and position on the screenshot. Each screenshot submitted will boost your score and hopefully increase your rank in the event. The scoreboard will then be posted in this forum. Each individual hunting/mining entry will be limited to 1000 points so if you were to get a 1880 PED hof you will only score 1000 points. All other globals/hofs upto 1000 PEDS is scored as a point per PED ie, 89PED = 89 points and so on. Teams have a limit of 250 points per global/hof.
Please submit your entries within 24 hours of the global or HOF and also make sure the time and location is displayed in your screenshot (press C+P).


Teams are allowed to enter providing the following rules are followed:

1. Your team name must remain exactly the same throughout this event.

2. Every screenshot has to be taken and posted by the same person of that team.

Your team can consist of as many players as you want and whatever players you want providing the 2 rules above are followed. For example, should I make a team named "Allo Event" I can recruit any players I want, the team members do not have to remain the same from one day to the next but for all team " Allo Event " screenshots submitted they must be taken and posted by me.
Also please note that the maximum points each team global/hof can score is limited to 250 points.

Prize distribution


1st = 250ped
2nd = 150ped
3rd = 100ped


1st = 1500ped
2nd = 1000ped
3rd = 500ped

Prize Sharing to winners​

Prizes are paid to your Avatar, by a Virgil Hoost Vlad and all issues of collecting prize money can be discussed with him directly. And when he is not available I will give the prize money!

Problems ?​

Should you have any questions just post them in this thread or PM me and I will try and help you. All your feedback and opinions are valued so please feel free to let us know what you think about this event.

I wish best of luck to all!
-Sami Samppa Salomon
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Hello everybody! I have a special prize (apart from the weekly prizes)200peds for bigest single loot in each month of the event.I wish u all good luck and have fun.
Some to get this started.....

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Ill join the event :yay:

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Welcome all to to this event :yay:
At the moment seems like we have only 3 competitors :(:(
So seems like they will take all the prizes.
We welcome all who are interested to challenge these players !

Scores are:

There is only few days left this week and new prizes again in next week !
You can be of the winners next week :confused: But you cant win if you dont try :wtg:
I´m afraid you forgot some of my globals, my score should be 2393. ;)
21 March...

I´m afraid you forgot some of my globals, my score should be 2393. ;)

Rules say max score per global is 1000 points ! :D
So your 1484 peds Hof is 1000 points !
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Post all last weeks globals before 16:00 MA today !

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Wrong post =/
Seems like we got only 3 players :confused::confused:
Means more prizes for them :D

First weeks results are:


Remeber all who get prizes from weekly will have 0 points next week !
Thus giving change to other players to win these prizes...
Good luck to all
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Tekkie, are you sure that your mermoth global fits in here? :laugh:

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and few more !


and little HOF