FYI: ANOTHER "Fair bid" on AH ..


Mar 7, 2021
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Marco Killy Stur

really i cant see the point...
this scum is just lucky we cant see the name he should be ashamed of himself
his punishment is living his miserable scammer life
The other day I also noticed that there were offers of moon deeds priced just a little bit below the CLDs, seller hoping someone would make a mistake and pay 3k for a 25 ped item. This stuff needs to be regulated by MA somehow because it's actually hurting the game, if a person makes that mistake they'll quit and never come back.
this scum is just lucky we cant see the name he should be ashamed of himself
his punishment is living his miserable scammer life
Its sad we cant see who did this so we could shame them. They are scum and should suffer!
Unfortunately shaming isn't even allowed here, and I doubt it is in-game either.. what a world
If ppl deserve it it should least so we can steer clear of them
I don't mean to be disrespectful or anything but I'm having difficulty in understanding whats going on here.
if u got alot ped and u realy care to find out that much his name, then sell to him and lose 1 deed if u can
I had plan to, but minimum selling price is TT+1 ped, while his offer is tt+0.01, if anyone has any ideas I am down to sarcrifice some money :)

really i cant see the point...

I dont see the point of this kind of buy order.
You cant post something for under 1 ped.
I post a CLD for 1 ped, this shit wont buy it, 10 CLD for 1 ped neither.
One have to post 100 CLD for 1 ped for this to buy his stuff.

Posting all your CLD for 1 ped is not the mistake peoples used to make.
Posting the stack for the price of 1 is the mistake they used to make, the top buy order will buy the CLDs.
This is just ped donation to AH.
While we’re at it we should eliminate the ability to sell stuff on auction for less than TT. I’ve Had this happen to me on a stack of 990 oil of some sort before where I was trying to set the MU value at 101.x% but I accidentally sold it for 6 ped instead of 1006 ped… seems like a stupid system and yes it’s ultimately my fault but at least don’t let the auction buyout get set to 2% of the TT value. Minimum should be TT hard coded in.
I had plan to, but minimum selling price is TT+1 ped, while his offer is tt+0.01, if anyone has any ideas I am down to sarcrifice some money :)
Hold on let me place an order at TT+1
While we’re at it we should eliminate the ability to sell stuff on auction for less than TT. I’ve Had this happen to me on a stack of 990 oil of some sort before where I was trying to set the MU value at 101.x% but I accidentally sold it for 6 ped instead of 1006 ped… seems like a stupid system and yes it’s ultimately my fault but at least don’t let the auction buyout get set to 2% of the TT value. Minimum should be TT hard coded in.
While I grant that use cases for intentionally posting items under TT Value may be niche, I think we should be very cautious about "eliminating abilities" as a solution to perceived auction problems. Repeatedly applying this mindset is how systems become rigid, inflexible, and feature-poor over time. Instead, we could achieve a similar outcome by giving individuals more capabilities rather than less; we could have an Advanced Settings page where each auction user can set their own conditions for which warnings and locks prevent items from being accidentally sold, and change them at any time.
This stuff needs to be regulated by MA somehow because it's actually hurting the game, if a person makes that mistake they'll quit and never come back.
Your post is about the selling side, but also very valid. We can see the person aiming to catch someone out here, however. I noticed it too, and I agree MA should do something about both orders and offers that are like this. At the very least, there should be an initial warning to the person responsible of a 'dodgy listing' flagged by MA, and maybe even a dark red listing or so to other players, that 'the software' considers the order or offer to be well out of normal bounds!
As for the thread, having a new discussion every time someone posts an abnormal auction order is starting to feel like having a new discussion every time someone gets a spam email. It's probably not healthy to dwell on the same frustrations over and over. Sellers would have to be very cautious posting expensive items with or without these auction orders. Maybe there's some scenario in which the seller otherwise notices the mistake right away, dodges a bullet, and gets to cancel the offer, but they would still be racing against everyone else browsing the new item view, so it's pretty likely that the outcome would be the same.
It's probably not healthy to dwell on the same frustrations over and over.
No it's definitely not healthy, BUT the only way to get something fixed now a days is to bitch and bitch and bitch until the company changes something.
These are obviously resellers hoping to scam someone.

I listed 7 pulsar 2 plates the other day with one accidently for like 900k buyout. Was happy someone told me because I don't look at my auctions after I throw them on. Honest mistakes happen. 900k was a bit too much for him so he got the plate for normal MU in the end :)

The other way around, if I sell something way too low on auction instead, I consider the item lost. So many fucking mistakes are made with those deeds though, we have a better system (exchange) so why not convert the deeds to that?

But this is all wishful thinking, people will continue to get scammed untill unreal. MA hasn't really given a damn about this issue so far...

Remember, unreal will fix everything!
Kind of sad that AH scam still hasn't been fixed. Just be aware such things exist and watch your back when selling. MA will do nothing to help you out in this case of auction abuse. I've been playing PE/EU for almost 20 years now and one constant is scammers and unethical players being a part of this experience. EU isn't alone in this, I've seen the same behavior in other MMOS as well.
guys calm down. Iam sure the person behind this just wants to return it afterwards...iam really...*cough*... :D
Kind of sad that AH scam still hasn't been fixed. Just be aware such things exist and watch your back when selling. MA will do nothing to help you out in this case of auction abuse. I've been playing PE/EU for almost 20 years now and one constant is scammers and unethical players being a part of this experience. EU isn't alone in this, I've seen the same behavior in other MMOS as well.
RCE raises the stakes of every transaction, it is inevitable, but i agree that MA should consider ways they can prevent certain kinds of fraud.
If you place an offer with a startbid lower then the existing order but the buyout higher then you can see who placed the order because his order will bid on your offer.
No it's definitely not healthy, BUT the only way to get something fixed now a days is to bitch and bitch and bitch until the company changes something.
Therein lies the problem. The company changing "something" is far from a sufficiently discerning measure of success.

Amazon "fixes" problems with Kindle book resale via increasingly aggressive DRM limitations, and ordinary Kindle users become saddled with the increasingly restrictive downstream consequences. Users can no longer print any part of purchased Kindle books. Users can no longer copy substantial portions of text from purchased Kindle books. I used to paste entire books from the Kindle reader into a text-to-speech site, because the built-in Kindle text-to-speech sucks, which is no longer possible even for books I'd already purchased with this affordance. Indeed, users do not even own their purchased Kindle books; hidden away in their terms is a statement that what users are truly buying is a revocable license to the view the Kindle book's contents, despite very suggestive marketing to the contrary conclusion that users are buying Kindle books. The system has become so rigid and feature-deprived that it is now unsuitable for a substantial proportion of use cases associated with books, a direct result of these increasingly aggressive feature limitations.

There is, of course, a bad guy in this ecosystem onto which Amazon can defer blame, the Kindle book reseller. The idea is that if only we lived in a world in which Kindle book resellers did not resell Kindle books, then none of this insanity would be implemented. While true, this tends to ring hollow when viewed in retrospect. "If only everyone on the Internet behaved perfectly, then we would offer a product with a sound value proposition" is not good enough; we rightly want companies to provide value in the actual world, not just in utopia. Perhaps there exist some circumstances whereby a company truly has no alternative course of action or non-action which better preserves the integrity and quality of their value proposition, but usually we manage to identify this excuse as a post-hoc justification, akin to a citizen's bad attitude "making" a police officer "have to use that stick."

We should be proactive in foreseeing this potential for downstream feature-deprivation and inflexibility in our game design proposals, but this is extremely hard to do when the format for discourse is this recurrent cycle of Two Minutes Hate. Trying to design mechanisms in this mindset leads to moralizing the first, most simplistic, and often most heavy-handed proposal we can find that might address the immediate concern, independent of downstream consequences, and subsequently floating the narrative that MindArk must either implement our moralized solution, or be accused of not caring/laziness/greediness/insert other false dichotomy here. MindArk's role is not to solve one specific concern in isolation, but to innovate mechanisms and policies that strike an attractive balance between many competing or apparently-competing aspects of system design. We would do better as a community to mirror, or at least strive toward, this thinking in terms of a more integrative approach to moving Entropia forward. We should seek not just the most simplistic solution to a potential concern, but a range of alternative solutions which can then be assessed in light of a wide array of game design considerations. Sadly, our discourse seems to have grown only shallower and more hyperbolic over the years instead.

I believe this degradation in our thinking is largely driven by deeper structural problems involving both top-down and bottom-up processes, but those hypotheses are far out of scope here. It is probably hopeless to recalibrate this trend by just asking people to be more reflective and less reactive when proposing changes to the game, but it would be nice if folks at least showed some sign of appreciating how bad our discourse has actually become.
Nobody is selling 100 CLDs at a time to even make this mistake, calm down everyone, this order is not getting fulfilled no matter how hard you try. Scammer can’t even scam properly.
On several occasions I tried to expose such scams and traps using the auction house, but every time it was shot down by authority here even when no identifying information was provided. Mostly they try to exploit carelessness, fatigue or perceptual mistakes, sometimes laying skillfully designed traps. This is NOT condoned by the laws of the land governing this game's developer, and one has to repeat that because ever so often some wisecracker comes along to add insult to injury when somebody reports such a thing has happened.

The key to getting this addressed is that people who had this happen to them do NOT throw their money away, but pursue the case the official way. The game operator is NOT the proper address to get a fraudulent trade reversed, but this is the only thing "all trades are final" means. As long as nobody is doing this properly, there is no motivation to change anything. (Heck, I even offered assistance in a case worth around $1500 where the scammer turned out to be a fellow countryman of mine, but it was not taken. The inconvenience of having to deal with the procedure seems to weigh more than even such sums.)
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Nobody is selling 100 CLDs at a time to even make this mistake, calm down everyone, this order is not getting fulfilled no matter how hard you try. Scammer can’t even scam properly.
whos to say its even a scam attempt, could 'just' be someone trying to launder some assets by 'accidentally' selling to a nasty order - spreading the transaction out over a long enough timeframe...
ok ok it is called "layering"
then there is "pump and dump"
then there is "cornering"
in Entropia i saw all sors of financial crimes, its an unregulated market so its ok... to the "wise guys"... dont try it in real will cost you 3 year+