Arkadia Smuggler Genetics Laboratory


Dec 6, 2010
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Hi! I have tried to put together as much of the information as I can - hopefully it will be of use to you!

PPVU June 2023 saw the introduction of a new instance on Arkadia - Smuggler Genetics laboratory. This is located on Arkadia moon and there is an entry requirement as well as cost to enter. There is no tax, and the instance can be entered solo ( shared public instance) or in team. There are 5 levels to choose from and there are upgradeable plates in the loot.

Location - 121, 112.
The first clues to the entrance are located in the Ark moon smuggler HQ - this map has been on the wall for years, if you over lay it with the moon map, it points to a section in the "concrete" tunnel.



From the map you will see the entrance to the concrete tunnel, and I have also circled the alternative entrance to the instance tunnels via the rock skull at the end of the GMC valley. Once inside the contrete tunnel you will find the smuggler logo, on the wall, opposite that there is a lever which opens the door to the instance tunnels. Run along that and you will come to what looks like an oompa village, there are 3 tunnels. The one you came along, the one from the rock skull entry and the one that leads to the instance. When there you will see a smuggler named Kayla.


Entry requirements -

Kayla asks you for a pure particle sample MK4. This is a crafted item. You can purchase this and enter without having done any of the missions. It is consumed upon entry, you do not need more than one.

To start the crafting mission you will want to talk to the smuggler NPC Located on the moon ( gamma tp) , planet ( celetse quarry) and underground ( main tp)

You begin by completing daily missions to gain insignia. The insignia can then be traded to the NPC for the starter blue prints. Further down the chain, the blue prints come from other crafting loot and are not given to you by the npc or gained along the mission chain.


For the dailies you can choose 3 options, mining crafting and hunting. For hunting you can choose 3 levels. Each gives the amount of insignia for the level ( ie 3 gives 3). You can do moon, planet and UG, so a total of 9 for hunting on level 3 per day.

There are 12 stages to the mission, stage 10 is to get the mk4.
( Thank you Nanashana for this image, and GZ for being the first in! )

Instance levels and cost -
There are 5 levels, each with higher maturity mobs than the previous. The cost is 5 ped tt in arkoins if you are a smuggler, or one heavy duty particle ( crafted) if you are not. You initially get a 5 hour pass, which is increased up to a maximum of 12 hours via the mission "entrance pass rank" through levels 1-14. Each instance will only last 5 hours, but you only need to pay for your pass. You do not need to pay to enter an instance someone has already started. The timer on nyour pass stops when you exit.

Inside there are 2 main rooms with mobs, 2 boss rooms, 2 revives.
Bosses spawn after a certain amount of kills (boss1), and over time (boss 2 - 30 mins). Bosses can also spawn on the glowing circles on the floor in the main rooms. The light above the corridors turns from green to red when a boss is spawned, you can also see the red dot on your radar. The aim is to loot plates and blood samples.

(super good map so you dont get lost)

Mobs -
The mobs have no agro, the damage types are 50% cold, 25% cut, 25% stab ( thanks Drakill!). The bosses are a larger version. The respawn is fast.













Plate stats and upgrade components -
( I will re order these in a moment)







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Great Guide! Thank youuuu!

But I dont understand the Excel thing. Looks like the 5k Cost is for the complete one, no?

Using your excel thing as a base, wouldnt the cost for Mk4 be more like 1.3k?


1.3k seems much more reasonable and Id totally pay that. But I fear I may have overlooked something, sadly :(

Also I dont understand the Req clicks, or the amount. 3->7->15->32? I assume thats some crafting thing, likely success rate, which I know nothing about.
Got it: RoundUp(1/"success rate"), which here was .48
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Great Guide! Thank youuuu!

But I dont understand the Excel thing. Looks like the 5k Cost is for the complete one, no? Also I dont understand the Req clicks, or the amount. 3->7->15->32? I assume thats some crafting thing, likely success rate, which I know nothing about.

Still, using your excel thing as a base, wouldnt the cost for Mk4 be more like 1.3k?


1.3k seems much more reasonable and Id totally pay that. But I fear I may have overlooked something, sadly :(
The costs in the xls file do not incorparate the costs of bp aquisition some of which sell at mu100k%+ as well as cost of obtaining insignia turn ins as you need thousands of clicks to have a reasonable success chance. The success rate also isnt guaranteed, i have had runs as bad as 26% and getting a bad run higher up in the chain can explode your cost. Furthermore currently the mk bps are not or hardly dropping, the ones used are mostly from the first week and where sold at high mu.
Obviously in the long run this cost has to come down or plate upgrades will be insanely expensive, but it might take some time.
Yeah thats true!

It also doesnt inlcude higher success rates or the difficulty of acquiring all the hides and stuff in the first place, which prolly is a pain now. Or the partial successes which give back some items, or globals or hofs and so on. I understand its just an estimate.

I was just asking: is that excel thing not for the completed particles?
Ofc anyone is also free to ask for MU just for the work of actually doing all that crafting. I wasnt really commenting on your listing for 5k for an mk4. I was more thinking about doing the crafting myself. and if the estimated loss is 5.6k or 1.3k, thats a big difference.

It may also just have been an oversight by OP, since its in a guide for the instance, which only needs mk4 to enter.
Yeah thats true!

It also doesnt inlcude higher success rates or the difficulty of acquiring all the hides and stuff in the first place, which prolly is a pain now. Or the partial successes which give back some items, or globals or hofs and so on. I understand its just an estimate.

I was just asking: is that excel thing not for the completed particles?
Ofc anyone is also free to ask for MU just for the work of actually doing all that crafting. I wasnt really commenting on your listing for 5k for an mk4. I was more thinking about doing the crafting myself. and if the estimated loss is 5.6k or 1.3k, thats a big difference.

It may also just have been an oversight by OP, since its in a guide for the instance, which only needs mk4 to enter.
Even if you do the crafting yourself and a bp used sells at 100k%+ mu , you still have to account for it even if you dropped and used it yourself.
Same with the scale of the run, if you prepare and plan to have 1-2 mk4 particles in the end this can go very wrong - but if you prepared to have more for a more reliable result and/or to recoup expenses it takes a much larger investment in a high mu environment.
In the end its up to everyone to decide how fast/early they want to be in it or if they want to wait for prices to come down as with everything in entropia.
Great Guide! Thank youuuu!

But I dont understand the Excel thing.
Maybe Nana will pop in and help clarify it. :)

Of the few people Ive know who have done it, they have to hope they get more than one in the end to cover the mad losses.

It reminds me a lot like the book of the Gorgon shade mission, its an epic crafting chain and failure at any step is a nightmare! As it is at the moment some of the BPs are just not around, or so tiny in quantity its extremely difficult to get enough to get it done, never mind some of the hides. Drop rates might change, time will tell I guess :)

Edit to add- also the insignia part really slows it all down if your collecting them yourself.

Edit again- I've taken the costs out the image as it won't age well and the thread is about the info for the instance and not a sales thread :)
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Laughable upgrade costs, I expected these to just require blood samples (which are probably already going to be worth a bit). I'm guessing these costs will change or cost of complete sample acquisition will change; can guarantee nobody will waste 10k+ on a single adj plate in the meantime.

Too bad, these really would be great plates.
Laughable upgrade costs, I expected these to just require blood samples (which are probably already going to be worth a bit). I'm guessing these costs will change or cost of complete sample acquisition will change; can guarantee nobody will waste 10k+ on a single adj plate in the meantime.

Too bad, these really would be great plates.
imo they should change the particle requirement in upgrade chain to mk2 for adjusted, mk3 for improved, mk3 for modified, mk4 for augmented and mk5 for perfected - if they keep complete particles for all upgrade stages the overall cost just explodes
and definately make all mk bps easily availabe either as drops from crafting or with few attempts from insignia vendor
imo they should change the particle requirement in upgrade chain to mk2 for adjusted, mk3 for improved, mk3 for modified, mk4 for augmented and mk5 for perfected - if they keep complete particles for all upgrade stages the overall cost just explodes
and definately make all mk bps easily availabe either as drops from crafting or with few attempts from insignia vendor
Then I just hope the dev's take your notes into serious consideration.
blood vial for perfected plate
[Globals]: John Black Knight has found a rare item (Abomination Blood Vial 8ml) with a value of 8 PED! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame!

EDIT: Nana was first on 20th of june, but it didnt have a rare hof message then
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Are some of the BPs needed for this looted through regular crafting?
(super good map so you dont get lost)

Bonnie, I friggin LOB YOU! Hahahaha!
This literally just brought me so much joy! <3
Jokes aside...
Thanks, as always, for bringing us great content, guides & information. I appreciate you!
So basically dead Arkadia decided to join the upgradeable plates trend... Wowza, can't think of anything more boring tbh. No thanks. I shall not...

[Globals]: John Black Knight has found a rare item (Aquila Helmet (M)) with a value of 61 PED! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame!
[Globals]: John Black Knight killed a creature (Abomination Perfected) with a value of 76 PED!

First ul armor loot from new ark moon instance :D

[Globals]: John Black Knight has found a rare item (Aquila Helmet (M)) with a value of 61 PED! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame!
[Globals]: John Black Knight killed a creature (Abomination Perfected) with a value of 76 PED!

First ul armor loot from new ark moon instance :D
Nice 👍 Gz 🙂
Whats the purpose of the going beyond the MK4 particle?