Info: Arkadian Key 10 Instance - Impressions


Mar 20, 2007
Agents of Entropy
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Adrian Adi Martis

Together with Dante we decided last night to head to Arkadia and dip our toes into an Level 10 Instance so I thought to share the impressions.

Key itself is quite expensive: 200 ped full tt key plus another 60-67 ped markup.

The instance takes in total 3 hours before the time expires so plenty of time to finish it. We completed it with ~56 dps each in about 1.5 hours.

It takes about 1.5k ped in total to kill all mobs. Make sure to bring a lower dps gun with you because there are some L6 mobs on which the main gun does a lot of overkill. A combination of Ghost or Gremlin and 5b together with an UR125 is more then enough as long as the mobs are taken one by one.

The mobs don't have regen but most of them have high HP. Their agro is low and except the bosses they are very slow. If you move backward you can reduce a lot the defensive costs.

All along the instance you move trough a series of rooms in a tower which has a huge statue of a wardan in the middle. After the rooms are cleared of mobs you move to the final stages where you kill a bunch of wardens(L17). Each pack of wardens killed triggers the spawn of the next one, 3 waves in total with the final pack consisting of 2 L17 Wardens and the final boss L48. The boss take quite a bit of ammo to kill plus it can deal over 98 trough gremlin+5b.

After boss is killed you have to go trough the main chamber, enter some gates situated in the opposite direction from where you came and loot the boxes. We found 11 boxes situated on 2 floors. Killing the boss triggers another timer to loot the boxes which was 10 or 9 minutes.

Ambient light is good
Design of the rooms is beautiful
Difficulty is low

FUCKING BORING!!! The most boring thing I did in EU in a log time!
All rooms and corridors are the same after a while.
It's hard to hit other mobs because the carcasses of the dead mobs takes a lot of space which makes you miss if you are not careful.
No average markup at all. Maybe you get lucky and loot an item but without it is mostly a loss, considering how much it takes to kill all the mobs.

All in all the instances on Arkadia are a good addition to EU but there is still lot of work to do.
I'm defensibly not gonna do another one soon unless there is some markup in them.

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If anyone jsut wants to see the work they did you can pick any level instance and go through the same building. Level 1 has up to L7 mobs L1 and L4 normal mobs boss L7
Loot in instances are "nerfed,buged,caped?",anyway did anyone got more then 60-70%TT return in any finished instance? i dont think so!!!
I finish more then 50 dungeons (RT and Arcadia instances) and loot is caped to around 70% TT.