Ban the Above User!

the above person is banned for breaking game rules and double post.
the above person is banned for breaking game rules and double post.

Banned for still being attracted to that guy.. ;)

Oh, and BTW, I keep my EFD in the Bank.. :yay:
Banned for supporting 711's capitalist endeavors by depositing into his imperialist "bank". ;)

ok, I keep my EFD in the bank too :ahh:
Banned for creating a potential panic for depositers into the bank of EF.
banned for having your forum avatar turning into an argonaut!!! :D
Banned for having the uncanny ability to be in two locations at once.
banned for being butch!
Banned for banning for being Butch, as if you think it's a bad thing!
Banned for having a lolcat image as avatar. :D

...though it is rather cute :ahh:
Banned for banning pinks banning being butch reason

edit: was 1 second too late! but oh well. i'll rock with it.
Banned for having an edit! :)
Banned because I can somehow sense, that where ever you are... out there, you are NOT drinking tea, or coffee, or water, or beer!

Soda drinkers might rule the world someday because of this ;)
Banned for dissing soda drinkers.
Banned for living in florida.......god i miss my home :D

banned for not being at home :better:
Banned for showing Sympathy! :evilking:

Banned for, oh, I dunno, the capital letter on sympathy:)

Banned for banning capital letters!
Banned for being online right now....
Banned for promoting CD use, VINYL RULES!

I'm gonna have to ban us both, you for mispelling, and me for being a smartass and correcting you. It's hypocrite ;)
Banned for banning a CD user who banned a CD user who banned a Vinyl user. Vinyl :headbang:
Banned for not even beeing alive when Vinyl was sold!
meh, to late...counts for both posters above anyway :p
Banned for caring about when they were sold and not for when they went out of style. :D