Ban the Above User!

banned for being mr triangle!!!
banned for being male :cool:
banned for joining in Sep. 2008
Banned for wanting beacons back.

Cause I've never used one :mad:
banned because your name reminds me of an old hooker i knew in vegas:inbed:
Banned for having a Cow's name:laugh:
Banned for still not having a sig over 1.5 years after joining.
banned for a small post amount
Banned for reminding me of the egg.
Banned for What Egg?
Banned for questioning The Egg.
Banned for spamming letter g in word egg :D
For his appaling post the other day ;) ;) which was way below his usual White Trash WoF Wrangler standard :p

Because....because...because...oh darnit, i don't know why.
Just ban him!
banned because I see a new face in this thread
Banned cause I'm back and badder than ever!
Ban him for rude word masked in wiki link!
Banned for using numbers as letters
banned because... you have a starwar trooper as a sig :)
Banned because my little humping trooper brings me some joy in life every time I see it. :silly2:
Banned because my little humping trooper brings me some joy in life every time I see it. :silly2:

Banned because of my cause of ban!