C64 - Entropia Mobs

ROFL, nice man
Ahhh some nice retro :laugh:
yeah retro is alway +rep :)
Awesome! Make me think back to the days when I didn't deposit to play computergames lol :D
Rofl, that's a nice one :silly2:

RETRO FTW! haha very nice, +rep
yeah woop retro pac-man style :D good stuff there dude.
lol @ fungoid!
very very nice. lets make a rogue-like graphic game using these beasties :)

Just waiting to see MA implementing a C64-resolution option to EU. :laugh:
lol. now that's funny!

But I remember gfx like that.... I remember upgrading from my Commodore Vic20 which had games saved on cassette tapes, to the C64. And then... we got even more sophisticated and upgraded to the C128D which I had to wear polarized sunglasses to play some of the games because the gfx almost "vibrated" and the sunglasses minimized the vibration of the screen.