Discovery: Calculator

Gratz! Nice catch & interesting item. Wonder if they will drop MP3 players in future lol :laugh: Some half decent music wouldnt go astray :rolleyes:
"Antique" is the word, yes, it looks mid-70's to me.

Maybe somebody will discover the first Commodore or ZX-81 soon ? It's too early to have our ava's discover the first IBM PC. But on second thought ... then we will log on, only to find that our ava's don't have time for us because they are in the middle of a game themselves :scratch2:
I saw it in the globalchat last night.
Emediatley thought that it was MAs lost loot calculator, and that you from now on will get better loot :)
Gratz! :yay:

Cheers :beerchug:
Gtatz indeed, but lol also :laugh:
there is so much still to come :eek:
might be an "amp" for the trade window to calc what you actually do there without having to use a RL one

just 5 ped decay per trade :)
Nice find, but usefull? :scratch2: