"Calypso Socialite to Opalo grinder" The Re-invention of Sara Serenity.

Sara Serenity

Mar 15, 2009
Qld. Australia
Avatar Name
Sara Shinobu Serenity
For those who don't know me. I am Sara. Sara Serenity to be exact. I have been here on Calypso since late 2008. so for some I am still a newbie. For others I am an experienced Veteran.

So where to Begin. I am a Member of the Glory hounds Irregulars society. My Primary Profession on Calypso is as a Medic. (level 21 paramedic) and business is kind of slow of Late. My secondary Profession or so it seems is that of Socialite. I seem to have a penchant for shiny things. If it goes fast… or flies or is fun to use I have it.

Well now to the Matter at Hand. A few of my Fellow Society Members decided that it was time for a Challenge and I have been sequestered to put my Toys in the storage and not use them and get down to the bare basics of what this game has to offer. Apparently with all my socialising and Partying and Frequent Deposits I have fallen from the good side of the game.

The Challenge:

Put Away those Fancy Clothes, Boats and Cars, Stow that Bear Armour in the Storage. Take only what you need to survive and do it on 500 ped deposit only and only when you have burned up the ped can you Deposit. Pretend you have to start again and you can't use your cars or VTOL or Boats. You can't use your TP Chip Either!. And… you Cannot use a Teleport until you have walked there and Mentioned it in this Blog.

Quite a Challenge my colleagues have thrown me… The Gauntlet was thrown down. Would I pick it up and take that Challenge?

You're Damn right I did.

So to Establish a few things here.

I have been a long time Colonist here on Calypso so I have some Skills and I have been a Regular Depositor too so I have had time to accumulate some Assets.

After much Negotiation as to what I could have I was allowed to keep some things in my inventory and I have compiled the List below.

One Full set of Vindicator Armour
Storm Jeans
Navy Officers Jacket
Omegaton Pops
Nifty shirt
Rancher hat
Bono Shades
Activity Bra and Pantie set

The Armour I made myself and took sometime to craft. Its Stats are relatively low and so was deemed to be Fair for this Challenge, but I could of used a Pixie or other low range armour for this. (I was lucky that I had this one already)

I had 145 ped on my Card at the start of this Challenge and being Limited to 500 ped I was keen to give this a Real shot. So I decided that I would purchase some simple equipment to assist me on the journey that list is as follows.

A Tailoring Material Refiner
The Distractor DD-20
100 Decoys
The Vivo T-1 and
500000 Medium weapon Cells. ( For A TT Opalo I already Had)

I felt I would need these Items. That little initial shopping spree left me with 37 ped to carry me through until I could deposit… If I needed to.

Well with the Challenge laid down and me All ready to go ( I hope… panic, panic, panic!) I am stepping out on a new Adventure Starting at Port Atlantis

p.s I will be Running a Blog on day to day adventures also so plz stay tuned

To Be Continued.
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Gonna be interesting :) Subscribing!
Interesting Challenge...

Hearty good-lucks to ya, soc-mate x

Subscribeing :popcorn:

Best of luck Sara :D
Good for you Sara :wtg:

Makes a change to see someone experimenting with their time, instead of moaning and groaning about bad loots or the supposed good ole days of PE.

Looking forward to see how it goes.
Good luck :) (+subscribing)
All the best :popcorn:, subscribing.
Looking forward to seeing how this goes. Subscribing and gl :)