Question: Can HQD be converted into EFD?


Jan 21, 2009
Global Alliance
Avatar Name
Johnny "Millionare" Smith
I hope the answer is not in a place that is so obvious by others, but anyways....

In EF, you can convert EFD into PED, and vice versa. The concept of HQD came from the existence of EFD, and then it became real after was created. This then creates a link between the two, because you get it by doing similar stuff as in EF to earn the virtual forum dollars on both ends. You already know this, I bet. So, with this connection of currency, is there a way to change HQD into EFD and back? I'm not sure if the "currencies" are equivalent, because I am usually on this forum(still getting used to the gamersHQ [and don't say it has practically the same features and 'feel', I have my reasons]), but if the answer is NO, can it be okay to allow it?.

i have a feeling that someone will post and say "your question has been already answered" with a link below it. yeah, I bet everyone has been in this embarrasing situation. but, you can't know everything, right?
So, I guess no one currently knows about HQD and EFD in relations. Probably it's too early to ask. But, I am not in a rush, though.
I think the HQD growth fund have some plans to make such a service available, No official transaction system is to be created though, as 711 have claimed that GHQ and EF are two separate entities.
wtf is hqd? Who cares? Yes, I'm very helpful.
wtf is hqd? Who cares? Yes, I'm very helpful.

there is a new site, also created by 711, that has a new virtual currency called HQD, or HeadQuarter Dollars. sign up onto and look where you'll usually find your EFD amount while logged on to that site. you should see it. And yes, you are so, so, sooooooooooo helpful. Thanks! who cares? ........ me ..........
Why would one convert HQD to EFD ?
Same reason anyone would transfer PED with EFD and back: they may need some of one thing when they don't have a use in its current form. So they may need EFD, but not HQD, and they are willing to lose their HQD for EFD. It may work the other way.
I doubt this is going to work. As you all know you get more EFDs when you're new here. The more you use the account the less you get for actions. And since on a technical level HQ seems to be rather close to EF that would probably be the same over there at HQ.

In other words you could create an account on HQ and start HQD-farming, then come back here and do something with it.

AFAIK you're not allowed to have two or more accounts here on EF so you'd need to go to "external sources" for the D's...
I doubt this is going to work. As you all know you get more EFDs when you're new here. The more you use the account the less you get for actions. And since on a technical level HQ seems to be rather close to EF that would probably be the same over there at HQ.

:laugh: When the hell did 711 put in an EFD skill nerf ? :scratch:

I get way more EFD now than I did when I was new ... I'm not sure about you - but I think people are more 'trolly' after time, not right out of the gate.
You tend to make more threads, posts, etc. once you have time in game and on EF. (with the exception of some tards... )

I would like to see your eco tests for the EFD gathering being more efficient for EF nubs. :rofl:

Oh yea .. that other site .. lol .. no thanks - I get enough of the EF crowd on EF - no need to double it up. ;)
Negative - I had a 60k efd balance well before I was a senior member ;)
I plan to create such a service.. the service will go both ways.

but right now I don't have enough HQD to even attempt establishing an exchange rate.

- ; )
As and are two completely separate websites, the EFD and HQD currency systems will remain independent.

The EFD/HQD programs were created to encourage activity on the respective forums where thay are implemented.

Also, the systems have entirely diffent settings with regard to earnings rates and awards, as well as items and benefits that one can purchase with credits. Thus, each currency will have its own intrinsic value, not easily converted between the two sites.
Thanks. I understand now.