Can you keep the poem flowin'?


Aug 23, 2005
Bath, Somerset
nothing AND nowhere (nAn)
Avatar Name
Colbey Kyndig Callistinsson
I offer this game with fun for all here,
the rules are basic, so I'll make them quite clear,
eight lines must you show from the well in your soul,
the idea is quite simple, simply lacking in control,
so just go where you will, tell the story your way,
but try to make sense in the things that you say.
Where I lay down my path, through the words that you read,
I pray you continue and follow where I lead...

Such a wet stormy day with the clouds over head,
and a sudden flash of lightning as I trembled and fled,
from the creature I had stalked through the valley and the trees,
but when I came close the strength fled from my knees,
as I realised the origins of the foul beast I chased,
so I ran to escape in my terror fuelled haste,
searching right and left for any avenue of hope,
I looked to the cliff face and saw there a rope...
"Halleluja!" I shouted. "Salvation ahead!"
But my pants quickly filled with a new sense of dread.

I considered my options, neither felt right
but fear of the beast conquered fear of the height

so with a hop and a skip and a guinnessquian leap
I grabbed hold of the rope and scurried up the steep.

The breath of the beast drove me upwards a tad
but I soon came to curse that big breakfast I'd had...
I climbed up as fast as my hands would allow
warm breath on my heals and a stench oh so fowl
Tho quickly gaining came the beast
My butt nor my legs would become its feast.
So faster I climbed with a bellowing howl
in hope the weight would slip from my trow
thus spurning the beast of his morsel today
therefore motivating me into getting away.
I reached the top with not even a rest,
and burst into a sprint heading straight to the west.
Where a blue dot i spotted on the edge of sight,
where hopefully a turret would finish my fight.
The sudenly my my heart sank and sat in my gut,
A red dot ahead and one on my but.
So I readied my weapon and readied my Fap,
stood my ground and prepared for a scrap
With a strange sense of calm I stopped on the spot,
adjusted my sights to prepare one sweet shot,
taking aim for the head but preparing to miss,
and planning my path to escape but then 'hiss'
as the mob from behind came bounding in range,
instinct took over with something quite strange,
with a leap and a roll I avoided attack,
and jumped to land on the foul beasts back...
I reached for my pistol, I grabbed for my knife
all in big hopes of saving my life.
I realised too quickly and became aweful sad
When I saw that pajammas was all that I had.
So grasping and clawing I began in the fight
only to learn that its armored to tight.
Bloody knuckles, skinned knees, I shouted and plead
Will someone come shoot thisthing please please please!!!!!