Change the Daily Token Storm Coats

hands off! I'm earning this the hard way - if you don't want to simply don't. there are 700 billion things to change in EU, this is NOT one of them! :mad:
hands off! I'm earning this the hard way - if you don't want to simply don't. there are 700 billion things to change in EU, this is NOT one of them! :mad:

I have nearly 2000 daily tokens after 4 months straight of grinding every possible daily every single day for this, I should have mine in about 8-9 months at my current pace, however, I still think the coats would have made more sense being priced lower since more people would be working towards them.

Would you rather have 20 people grinding 1000 days for an item or 100 people grinding 500 days for an item?

I'm not saying they should have made it dirt easy, having it be like 2000/3000 daily tokens or all 2000 daily tokens and they all give 25% so people can have the cool colours without sacrificing the full buff would still be an insane grind(0.5-2 years for most), but one many more players would be interested in, which would be both more profitable for MindArk and more enjoyable for the players.