Info: Changes since vu 11.1 i don't like


Old Alpha
Jan 21, 2009
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Edward Lexie Lexinton
MF is back and it's awesome.

I only have following complains:

- Why is the knocking chat/trade sound dissapeared ? Now i have to watch my screen all the time while trading :(

- When hunting in 3rd person mode the aiming method is changed. Before if you alligned your head with the mob then you selected the mob and was ready to shoot. Now you have to look way down to select the mob. Very annoying. I know i can use 1st person mode but i like to switch offten.

Anyone has the same problems , complains ?
MF is back and it's awesome.

I only have following complains:

- Why is the knocking chat/trade sound dissapeared ? Now i have to watch my screen all the time while trading :(

Same for me.
I don't like the downtime....
still cant log in system is still down...
put the knocking sound back in!! (or some other sound dont care)
Do the right thing: Send in a support case to fix these bugs.

Well as for the knock knock sound (or whatever notificiation sound you want to hear, might I suggest that everyone who wants this 'feature' (that never was broken in the first place) to please contact MA/FPC, and tell them that you would like it back. After all I have pointed this particular issue out not only in my thread in Wishlist (which I will say should be moved here), but additionally to those who want the sound and visual clues back, I would suggest that they send in support cases to notify MA/FPC of their error and to please (in a nice way) to tell them to restore this feature that is both informative and helpful to all of our players.

As for some of the other issues, I will try to address each one as people complain. (and I will tell them the same thing. Please send a support Ticket to MA/FPC so that they can understand the issue at hand.

After all, the customer (us) are always right.

Benjamin 'Ben' Coyote (a.k.a. "The Blind Sniper")
Well the 3rd person aiming problem seems to resolved.

I saw hannah in game and she replied that she would inform Ma to fix this problem.
hmm, dont get why the trade/chat request thing was changed either. Seems theyve changed the design of that box too to a less visible one...
Agree on the knockknock sound.
It would be even better if the sound stays active when you're alt-tabbed out ;)

For the 3rd person behavior : Sorry, but I'm among the people who like it *much* better now. I had a ticket open in March to ask them to stop messing around with the vertical view & angle every time you started shooting a new mob. That ticket was closed the same day with the usual "it's forwarded to the responsible team" comment. So it was a very nice surprise to see that they finally did it.
If other people like it better that their screen moves around more, then maybe it should be an option ?
Putting things in storage is still a massive pain in the ass. Trying to hit 5 pixels that will snap the item to the place you want is just an annoyance intentionally put in at some point. There is no reason whats so ever for it to be that aggitating.

Rearranging of things in my inventory ever time I open it up is another annoyance that is totally unnecessary. The storages and inventories are ours.. They need to stay out and quit messin with it all the time.

MF attack chips seem to give every hunting related skill gains that I can see EXCEPT coolness and aim. The Decay on the UL chips and implants are unacceptable. 135 ped decay paid for 300 ped tt ME used during 3 hunts. Not a single global. 2 items dropped 36 ped grem sleeves and a 4.6 ped Electric (L) chip.

The adding of 2 zeros to ammo needed to shoot needs to be added to ammo looted.

I think another loot with 1 explosive projectile or 1 ammo might warrant a plane ticket and cab ride to discuss why they think insults like this are beneficial to anyone.
The adding of 2 zeros to ammo needed to shoot needs to be added to ammo looted.

I think another loot with 1 explosive projectile or 1 ammo might warrant a plane ticket and cab ride to discuss why they think insults like this are beneficial to anyone.
What you are saying is that you would rather receive 89 PEC loot than 89.01 PEC loot? I certainly don't want my loot to be rounded down.