Chosen's Corner of Sweating


Oct 26, 2007
The Gladiators
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Bill Chosen Takes
Who is your's favorite?? Share us some info ;). Mine personaly is Carl Carbone Clash :)

How much u sweat daily?? I sweat 1k average. Did 2k today tho ;).

Do u like Chosen??

Best place for sweating?? Swamp for sure ;)

Basically just chat with me here:wtg: This way I, sweater wont get bored while recovering from my wounds, thankyou.

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My Fav healer: II Eye II :) :love::inbed::baby: ;)

Nea's Place or solo sweatrunning Combi Young in the wilderness far from all other mobs and hunters.

From 1K to 2268 / day (when I'm not wasting my time in Twin Peaks trying to sell something like for example right now ;) ).

Do I like Chosen ?
Yes ! I like everyone ! :D
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Yay i have been notice:yay::yay:
Thanks a lot for the reply :) I have to add i sweated today..290 sweat:eek:
My fave healer >> Fanta

Tried Nea's today, oh whoa, that was dangerous.
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I like to sweat molisks near camp phoenix. Is easy to sweat them because they are very slow, and they have a lot of sweat, so you can sweat while running and they can't hit you.
My Favorite Healer is myself,,,no one to depend on apart me , myslef and eye*:D
My favourite sweating place is Atlas Island North.

Lots of small mobs near tp and I can always find someone to team up with and both kill the dry mobs.

To bad I'm on CP now for some fapping and I cand sweat anymore there:(

I go to different places at different times. Recently I like pandora for quiet sweating and nea's/atlas island north/swamp camp for group sweating.
I think it's impossible to say that there is a favourite healer.

All of them are wonderful people, and I am just as grateful for getting a 58 point heal from one of the 'uber' healers as a 10 point one from someone just starting their healing skilling. Fap or MF, in-field or at revive, all healers are generous, and deserve huge thanks.

After all - remember they could just stand in front of a snable/molisk/trox/argo/falx and self heal, gaining defence skills in the process, but instead they choose to heal others.

Never forget them - they should go down in the annals of EU as some of the greatest players ever.


(Btw whatever happened to ratr33? Have not seen her for ages.)
Lets see, My favorite healer is (was) pepper (were did she go?). I like to sweat at Pandora, zeus, Atlas Island North, an the Gradivore LA. Gradivores are excellent to sweat because they are far apart, very un-agro, and slow.
Favourite Healer: Myself (I need the First Aid skills)
Favourite Sweating spots: Nea's Place, CND Dome 3, Atlas Island North and North West of Swamp Camp.

Oh, and those big Exarosaur's in Exa Land :D

- Nightwolf
Hello Chosen, (though I doubt you're online at this time of the morning)

I don't really have a favourite healer at the moment, there are just too many, which of course cannot be a bad thing.

Out of all my sweating places, I have to say that Nea's is at the number 1 spot at the moment, you just can't beat sweating in huge groups with a healer and a slayer but unfortunately when that situation occurs you have to take full advantage because it only happens in wafts. Second place goes to the little island above Port Atlantis Mall with the combimbos for the same reason as Nea's, however the wafts tend to happen less frequently :p Third place goes to Chosen's Hangout (AKA Swamp Camp :p) for the reason that there are lots of healers at the teleport as well as plenty of people giving out focus charges however I always feel confused, overwhelmed, and rushed when I go out to sweat - but I do enjoy the conversation that crops up.

So there you have it!
I sweat while I work at home (phone CS for a major credit card) and I get about 1K-1.4K per day. I heal myself for those valuable rank pts.. And I have never seen you chosen, but I am sure you would be a blast to sweat near!

Oh and fav place is the island just NW of PA..
Lil bump on my topic!

Yay a newbie has returned :D Any welcome backs? :)
Well, I have to catch up with some news and then I'll start gathering the good old sweat again, eh.

Less than 20 minutes till install completes. Yays.
I always sweat alone near Atlas Haven. I don't sweat regularly but when I do I try to get 1k sweat during the day. Not all in one go though. Break it up. There's nothing worse than being sat still, clicking the mouse for 2 - 3 hrs.

I have been known to get 2.4k in a day. Never again though.
I don't like Swamp camp I'm afraid, too many people running round distracting mobs and too many dry mobs. Neas is much better.
These days I seldom sweat for more than a couple of hundred bottles. It gets too boring sweating for hours on end. Entropia has so much more to offer than simply sweating and I like ti try all the other stuff too.
I like swamp when it is busy and has a healer. I am there right now with no healer that is why i toggled to ef to look at stuff:laugh:

Neas is nice cause you don't need a healer but to be honest I get simular sweat per hour at both spots maybe 50 to 100 more at neas.

I personally like the chance for a skill gain from being hit at swamp eventhough that seems to only come once every 30 hits or so.
Hi Chosen! I think I've seen you around Swamp Camp, so it's possible I like you. :) At the very least you're not one of the rude noobs with a gun. :D

I vary my spots depending on my mood. I tend to gravitate towards Swamp Camp because it's always something different going on. Sometimes it's utter chaos, sometimes it's drama, but rarely is it boring. I sweat-hunt, so I like to help remove some of the dry mobs I encounter there.

When I feel like being alone, I go to Atlas Island North for some solo sweat-hunting. Sometimes I'll heal someone who's struggling with a mob by himself.

Favorite healer? Anyone who does it. I'm not one to play favorites unless I actually hang out with someone. Anyone willing to help the new folks is all right in my book. I especially admire the ones who are willing to run around the "battlefield" healing players there. So many mobs they usually get smacked around themselves. Even worse is trying to heal someone running around like headless chickens. If they can put up with that then they've got patience in spades. More power to them.
Still sweating :laugh: I'm starting to like it + I now have a sweating idol - Azrael, a extremely nice sweater I see everyday, oh nd I now turned to Nea's, sometimes I take part of swunts, sometimes I argue with other people. Think people noticed me :)


By far, Neas is my favorite place to sweat... usually tons of people there and lots of medics on hand most times. That makes it great. I even have "cheated" before back in the days when I used to solo hunt a lot. I would hunt somewhere like Argus, til I died... tp over to neas, sweat til my low level health either healed or I died from an ambu attack, and at revive the healers at neas healed me... then I chose to either keep sweating there or go back to hunting without armor after a quick tp jump. Don't do that often, but hey, a free heal is a free heal! :)
Personnaly, Nea's is my favorite sweating place.

Theres so many fun people to talk to their AND my most favorite activity. SWUNTING!:D:D:yay::yay::wtg::wtg: