Question: Coloring Questions

N. Radioactive

Apr 25, 2009
Nova Scotia, Canada
Avatar Name
Nicolas Radioactive d'Entremont
How do I color my clothing? I just bought a jacket and pants and I want to customize it a bit. I know some people have coloring services but I don't know really how it works. And does anyone know roughly how much it will cost to color them? I'm thinking of light blue, or something like that. Thanks
If you like Orange, you can try it yourself, even as a total noob.

What you'll need:

A colorator
A bleacher
300 cans of paint per color field on the garment (more on this later)

To color a garment.

Equip the colorator.
Drag the garment into the upper window.

To play with color schemes, you can place paint of various colors in each field at the bottom of the colorator interface. Doing this is free and can help you decide what you want even if you don't have the skills to actually use the colors you decide on. Note that if you have NO chance of success with a color, the colorator won't let you try (IIRC). The chance of success with each field is shown in the lower section of the colorator screen.

If all is set and you want to try it, hold your breath and pres the button!

You can use less than 300 paint per field, but if you want the best chance of success as a total noob, that's what it takes. :)

The previous posters have given great information already. If you don't want orange, find someone that can do the job for you. You (and the colorer) will be glad you did. :)

well theres a colorer that you guys forgot he may have chipped some skill but he colors and does hairstyles too Brads coloring service hes found mostly @ PA or Twins advertising
Well thanks everyone. I'm looking for a colorist now... Anyone know a rough estimate of how much it will cost?