Daibiba loot i dont think so :)


Feb 17, 2008
Freelancer - none :-)
Avatar Name
Peter Yimusse Uisats

Item i reciev after kill Daikiba Old :)

I think this was a muteted Daikiba after mysterie genetic experiments on Calypso.
:p luverly bug! Daikiba known loots: animal hide, wool, Argonaut Fractured Skull..:D
You would think it would be the other way around :laugh:
I've looted an Argo skull from a Calamasiod before. Those argos should be more carefull where they leave them.
LOL, time to loot a hogglo tooth from snable :D
I have looted argo skull from them too!
Argo fractured skulls has been found in Daikiba loots since... welll since...

A loong time.

This is VU 7.1 But as far as I can remember, it's been like this for ages.
Funny thing. :)

But there was a bug a while ago when you coul loot Exa skin from Atrox, and Molisk tooth from Bery and Daiki.

I also remember when Snables were dropping IM2870 like pixie parts.
(However that bug was quite quickly repaired)
....yet, no-one questions why they carry pots of paint lol :laugh:
LOL, time to loot a hogglo tooth from snable :D

*Crosses fingers* I hope so :p
Be a great addition to my thread on hunting snables :yay:
I remember a few months after i started playing i looted an Allophyl skin from a daikiba. Interesting to consider from a code standpoint.

edit: hmm little early, surely just a DB error to cause these once in forever loots. As far as the molisk teeth dropping from other mobs and all that, i'd be interested to know if it was regular or very rare like these errors w/ daikibas.
Daikiba also drop Allo skins, they are the top of the food chain apparently ;)
I've found 2 of those before on em, hehe.
There carnivores, its a known fact.
I am guessin Lunch... How old was the Dabi, haha cuz I am guessin to eat an agro it must had been hungry!