Damaged Fuel Pump(Rare)


Mar 3, 2013
Hi everybody!

So, what do you think about this one?

Damaged Fuel Pump

I guess, it's for something special, but don't know for what. Any ideas?

If there's any good offers, we can discuss it :)
Rewards For Incubator Parts
Corrupt Fuel Pump Blueprint - 1000 PED !Metal Residue

Damaged Splicing Detector - Modified Genesis Star Excavator!
Damaged Feedback Panel - Adjusted Genesis Star Excavator
Damaged Fuel Pump - Adjusted Chikara Refiner

Worn Feedback Panel - RX OpTac x1 Foot Guards (M) or (F)
Worn Splicing Detector - RX OpTac x1 Helmet (M) or (F)
Worn Fuel Pump - RX OpTac x1 Shin Guards (M) or (F)
Mint Feedback Panel - RX OpTac x1 Thigh Guards (M) or (F)
Mint Splicing Detector - RX OpTac x1 Harness (M) or (F)
Mint Fuel Pump - RX OpTac x1 Arm Guards (M) or (F)
Whatever you do, don't sell it for less then 500 peds :)

Offering 500 btw :)
Rewards For Incubator Parts
Corrupt Fuel Pump Blueprint - 1000 PED !Metal Residue

Damaged Splicing Detector - Modified Genesis Star Excavator!
Damaged Feedback Panel - Adjusted Genesis Star Excavator
Damaged Fuel Pump - Adjusted Chikara Refiner

Worn Feedback Panel - RX OpTac x1 Foot Guards (M) or (F)
Worn Splicing Detector - RX OpTac x1 Helmet (M) or (F)
Worn Fuel Pump - RX OpTac x1 Shin Guards (M) or (F)
Mint Feedback Panel - RX OpTac x1 Thigh Guards (M) or (F)
Mint Splicing Detector - RX OpTac x1 Harness (M) or (F)
Mint Fuel Pump - RX OpTac x1 Arm Guards (M) or (F)

I'm kind a new here so I will ask a pretty stupid question. If this is a reward, how can I claim it if it's still possible?
I'm kind a new here so I will ask a pretty stupid question. If this is a reward, how can I claim it if it's still possible?

Hand in Encrypted Spatial Units and/or incubator parts to Private Cooper at Fort Troy (coordinates: 80534,68309) to receive your reward.
Maximus and Konve, thanks you very much for your help and advice :wtg:

Good luck enerybody :)