Deeptoken Announcement

I wonder why MA didn't offer investors a heavily reduced asset swap with Moon deeds, but rather a 'full refund'.

Actually they didn't "offer" anything: They placed a NPC in a planet and forced people to go there if they wanted to exchange it at a huge loss. I don't think that was a proper solution (the first announcement even said there would be two NPC's at Calypso) so I kept mine, maybe I'll sell them in a few years at a huge profit for memorabilia:dunce:.
This is a fantastic announcement by MA, great call to come forward and publically annouce the project is over (rather than just keeping quiet about the whole thing). It shows us a lot of respect.

I'm very happy that the investors will get a refund as well.

Next time publically consult with the universe first to gauge interest before launching into something huge and "ambitious" that clearly only a tiny minority of the universe was interested in. Work with us on ideas and communicate, communicate, communicate :yay:

Build a public forum somewhere in the universe to have these discussions and then please reintroduce voting booths so we can guide you on the directions to take :).

+ rep to MA for the last couple of months. It seems they are starting to correct some of the historical issues which have caused so much loss in confidence over the years.
Good call.
Thank you!
Good to see Entropia Universe being the primary focus for Mindark once again. :yup:
Maybe the first ICO to refund a terrible idea. Wonder if people that bought bitcoin at 20k will get a 17k refund now that it trades around 3.2k (USD).

I didnt follow this too close, but if there was indeed a coin offering, and people invested,.. legit 'invested' .. they should have the opportunity to sell the coin through an exchange like others?

I dont know why developer feels obligated to return capital lost in a block chain venture... I just dont get it.
Great news Mindark I'm so glad deeptoken and compets are both canceled so more focus can go directly into EU and only EU.
This gives me a LOT of hope and restores a great deal of my faith in MindArk.

Thank you so much for making this prudent decision. I feel much more secure in my investments in EU now, +rep.
Thank you so much for making this prudent decision. I feel much more secure in my investments in EU now, +rep.

If I owned an expensive weapon that wasn't 85 or 90+ eco right now I'd feel somewhat insecure. But anyway I was so laughing at some of the responses especially from LA owners. So funny, really tickled me.

Humour aside, I'm quite keen to see how this new path of super eco weapons is going to pan out over the next year. Ma have set a new standard and since eco is glaring us all in the face as an official item stat, it does make me wonder if the quantities of such items will be similar to quantities of ring drops.

Who knows....we all want one though that's for sure...smiles. Actually that's just made me think...guns in boxes. Now there's a way to sell a billion boxes.


The adults are in charge again at MA. Well done.
Being able to admit a wrong turn and suspending the idea is not always an easy thing to do. Especially this early on.

You guys already have something pretty damn special here. No other game exists quite like EU.

I agree with this ;-)

If I owned an expensive weapon that wasn't 85 or 90+ eco right now I'd feel somewhat insecure. But anyway I was so laughing at some of the responses especially from LA owners. So funny, really tickled me.

Humour aside, I'm quite keen to see how this new path of super eco weapons is going to pan out over the next year. Ma have set a new standard and since eco is glaring us all in the face as an official item stat, it does make me wonder if the quantities of such items will be similar to quantities of ring drops.

Who knows....we all want one though that's for sure...smiles. Actually that's just made me think...guns in boxes. Now there's a way to sell a billion boxes.



When I buy an unL weapon, I buy it fully understanding the concept of entropy, and knowing full well that since 2008 all unL items have trended down in value over time. To combat this I try to tailor my game play in such a fashion that the usefulness I get out of an unL item outweighs it's loss in value.
Loss in item value over time is a steady trend.

When it comes to investments within Entropia, the expectation is that the value will either rise or will produce income outweighing potential loss of value. Investment values are typically tied to their ROI.
The risks involved with investments tend to have significantly less to do with comparable investments being released and more to do with the overall health of the game. Compet and DeepToken were both epic failures, as the timing of their release was a day late, a dollar short, and undeveloped.
MindArk appeared to have been devoting a significant amount of effort and manpower into those projects, and their failures had grave implications on the future of the game - particularly since they continued to throw good money after bad with ComPet.
Finally pulling the plug on ComPet boosted confidence in MA's desire to continue development of their original product. This confidence is further boosted by their pulling the plug on DeepToken. It seems the company is moving in the right direction and actually acknowledging their failures. This has positive implications for the future of EU, and gives hope that previous failures (Avatar Statues) may be fixed or acknowledged in the future. It also gives us hope that past promises may begin to come to fruition (space updates, taming, stables, etc).

Laugh all you want, but yes, for those of us investing tens of thousands of dollars into the game it is a big relief when we see some light at the end of the tunnel.
I thought they have a (someone / some companies) backup finance to purchase all the remaining tokens...
Good to see Entropia Universe being the primary focus for Mindark once again. :yup:

Hoping what you said is real..... maybe after few months later, they are back with new and creative ideas :)
This is great news!

Well done MA for having the balls to cancel what was such a terrible idea.

Time to stop going off on tangents now and start addressing some of the issues with your core product. This on its own will drive the growth you're looking for. :wtg:
I hope they weren't relying on this money to keep the game going?

They haven't had a cash injection from players for a while?


...................items have trended down in value over time.

Laugh all you want.

Oh come-on Jack, chill dude. I simply was stating that I smiled at some selective rose tinted responses. It’s a game, I find change and the impact of that entertaining (it impacts me as well).

Besides I’m sure even Einstein would view the current speed of jaw dropping technological advancement of weapons within our virtual world with some humour.
I'm trying to remember his equation now to relative time, something like: time = sqrt [(1 – velocity sqd over celerity sqd).

I’m not saying I’m against it, I’m just smiling at the speed of change over time, which tickles me considering that development often doesn’t move at the same relative velocity.

I’m out because I’m making myself laugh (with tongue in cheek), just writing this.

Have a good day.

Best news from MA i've heard in forever.
Good Job on realizing your limitations and not following a poor business plan.
I didn't even notice this til today. important info should be announced IN THE GAME!
WHY!!!!!!!!!!! Does deeptoken holders get 100% return of there purchase and not compet holders?

Cya in the big room!..........:wise:
WHY!!!!!!!!!!! Does deeptoken holders get 100% return of there purchase and not compet holders?

Cya in the big room!..........:wise:
because Kim was behind compets...
Walking back the feature creep! +rep
no this is not a good news, but terrific.
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Guess crypto cratering knocked some sense into them :laugh:
I can see me trading bitcoins for tulip bulbs one day. :whistle:

I'm glad Mindark decided to can this one.
seems i still got 4 deeptokens i've bought 2133 days ago and maybe some other fuckups i should have never invested in

but there's only 15M of them, so even less than bitcoins ... what would ya do?

are there maybe any liquidity pools you can suggest?

I hear you can load up on some DJT on the cheap.