Question: Do Land Plots support Factory and Utility Buildings?


Nov 14, 2007
Nevada, USA
Avatar Name
Drake Slade Corbett
I have been growing some crops to see how it works. In the screenshot below I noticed that my Land Plot is 0/0 for both Factory and Utility buildings. Do some plots support these and others don't? Or can we unlock them by leveling up our plots?


They gave up on land plots before developing factories and utility. They could have taken this quite far and done well but like many things in this game, its now an unfinished project that might get rehauled in 10 or so years.
They gave up on land plots before developing factories and utility. They could have taken this quite far and done well but like many things in this game, its now an unfinished project that might get rehauled in 10 or so years.

Well that is a bummer. I noticed that none of the stuff I harvested had any MU value so I put it in Personal Storage for now. I am going to hang onto my little plot and hope that it gets some love some day. If they ever do develop the system, I hope that my lot can have at least 1 Factory and 1 Utility, in addition to the items already on it.

The decision to stop developing further on the plot system is very weird.

Even the concept of customizable homes can be seen at about 3:25 in the concept trailer from 2 decades ago.

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- Several years ago you mentioned factories…
- Yes, that is one example of a job. Factories are still being considered. It would leave room for jobs, and at the same time it would be another big business possibility. Right now land-areas are pretty much the highest you can get in the terms of in-game business. A factory would be great, because it would combine the layers of players. Newcomers should need veterans and veterans should need newcomers, he explains enthusiastically.
:) ....
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I have been growing some crops to see how it works. In the screenshot below I noticed that my Land Plot is 0/0 for both Factory and Utility buildings. Do some plots support these and others don't? Or can we unlock them by leveling up our plots?



First of all, gratz on the level 2 Land Plot NevadaJake :)

Second, there are reasons to believe that something is supposed to happen at level 4. I know 2 individuals that have reached level 4 and they have reported that something different occurred and they think that something new is meant to unlock there but probably just hasn't been released yet.

In the recent video interview about an upcoming VU, there was a hint to something which may or may not apply to Land Plots:"New Iteming for structure..." at 5:03.

Unfortunately this new thing they mentioned didn't pass Quality Assurance checks and so that release has been postponed for the time being.

I was one of the original buyers of new Land Plots when they were first released and I have never really stopped buying them. I think at this point I'm the 2nd largest Land Plot owner and I'm a big believer that development on these hasn't been completely abandoned, I think like anything else in EU, it just takes way too long for them to expand on the original idea that's all.

In the AMA from 2 years ago, MindArk did state that the "next phase hasn't been released yet", which to me should serve to confirm that there actually is one planned.

The only thing you can craft with the fruits right now are the Adapted Isis guns. The Blueprints for these are limited, I have done thousands of clicks of Weapon Tech gizmos but have yet to loot one of these blueprints. I believe they do drop, but very rarely.

Good luck m8 :)

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The decision to stop developing further on the plot system is very weird.

Even the concept of customizable homes can be seen at about 3:25 in the concept trailer from 2 decades ago.

Whats funny....rumor has it, the girl in that video now owns MA. She, is supposedly who bought out Jans 55 million shares....

Hopefully she remembers what vision they had back then better than they did.
Whats funny....rumor has it, the girl in that video now owns MA. She, is supposedly who bought out Jans 55 million shares....

Hopefully she remembers what vision they had back then better than they did.

Wow a plot twist!