Does the system compensate for previous returns?

1. Does the loot system adjust returns based on previous actions? Example: like if you get a big multiplier your return is going to be lower or is it your multipliers?
Yes, the system adjusts your returns accordingly; however, drawing a straight line isn't as straightforward. If you get a BIG multiplier, your subsequent returns will lower overtime to compensate for the higher payout.
2. What about if you did something stupid like crafting and lost a ton of ped, does the system reward you with a better returns or multipliers?
If you lost a large amount of peds crafting, will the system compensate for the losses? The answer should be yes if you make enough pulls; however, I've observed crafting is more dynamic than hunting loot. So the answer for crafting is NO, as it is more dynamic/volatile.
3. In essence, does the system track an avatars overall return and adjusts to it?
Does the system track your returns and adjust to them? Yes and no. Yes, if you perform enough kills/pulls to trigger a response from the system, and no if that isn't the case. In any case, be prepared for entropy from any activity in the game.
4. Does everyone have the same chance, no matter what their previous return was?
Yes, you have the same chances, but only if you remain active. I'll quote Mesi, "Once you stop shooting, you have lost."
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So, that dude with the 600k ath, he was just am occasional crafter.
Getting a 600k doesn't qualify as luck???

But as goes for luck, only the lucky few have it. The others don't.
erh...."occasional" crafter...did I say that it is only bound to one profession?
Getting gloabals in hunting for over 300k is also no small accomplishment.

As for is like
Some days you lose, some days the others win.

Any computer generated "luck" is just a pseudo-randomness.
Any perception of a human being about "luck" is just a pattern seeking in perceived randomness.
Yes, the system adjusts your returns accordingly; however, drawing a straight line isn't as straightforward. If you get a BIG multiplier, your subsequent returns will lower overtime to compensate for the higher payout.
FYI: once I hit a big enough multiplier on a particular "maturity" and reach a high rate of return around 99%+, I subsequently hunt a lower maturity from the multiplier. For example, if I hit the multiplier on a Guardian, I then go hunt Youngs exclusively. The reason is straightforward; you are forcibly trying to make it difficult for the system to recuperate the multiplier. I have used this strategy for as long as I can remember, and it helps me stay above 97% TT long-term.
Losses typically are the result of poor choices. IF you do not want losses to make up for, then learn to play more efficiently, and the issue of running at a deficit disappears. IF you are suffering heavy losses, make changes, they will not be coming back magically.

Yes it is possible to play tt+, and make a significant income playing this.......very difficult and requires an investment, but possible none the less.
Officially no person loot pools. But there is….
One hunt I’m up 400ped, next I’m down 500 and see the worst returns.

go through 5 lvl 13 nothing, 5 lvl 7 barely anything. next day first lvl 7. 2.5k, 300, 3 90pedders. Then next day bad returns.

There has to be some form of tracking personal returns… in my opinion.
Or it could just be random. There is some randomness theorem/theory where people being told to write down random numbers tend to space them out evenly but "true" randomness bunches them up way more. I forget its name and how to check for it, and im too lazy to google it right now but im sure people here know what i mean. Could be interesting to check if someone already had sufficient data collected due to the new chat.log structure.
Does the loot system adjust returns based on previous actions.
No in your context. Else this game would either give more than we put in or my pedcard amount shouldnt exist. Not saying Im printing big peds but as someone in industrial engineering I can tell you the enjoyment of playing efficiently* is more interesting to me than big peds. Not that I dont enjoy a good and big swirl..

*To not be confused with weapon efficiency
Well looking at long term hunting logs from high level players, returns usually even up around 95~ % TT before MU.
That shouldn’t be confused with trending towards an average. The term to look up is gambler’s fallacy. The concept is previous events in a random selection or pull don’t affect later results even when there’s a grand average like that.
I feel like the one thing that MA reps have said in official context more than any other thing about the game is:

"There is no personal loot pool".

I feel like the one thing that MA reps have said in official context more than any other thing about the game is:

"There is no personal loot pool".


Sure there is some kind of system that compensate and correct one's return from time to time.
Not personal loot pool, well, as others already said, personal loot pool can be viewed as many things, so it all depends on what MA think a "personal loot pool" would be.
The thing they belive a "personal loot pool" would be is not exist, but its not means there are no system in the loot pool that is tracking and changing on one's return when needed.

From my side, i have noticed 1 thing that is surely works as something like a compensation system, which i hardly notice during everyday hunt in shorter smaller cycles, but i often notice it during the much bigger and longer mayhem cycles.
After a bad return day, the next day always starts good, like global very early and a few more still in the first 15-30 mins, something like a small fast compensation for only the previsious run, than it stops and just normal return than.
Happens a lot of times for me to belive its just coincidence.

Would i consider that as a "personal loot pool"? Definetly no, but i consider it as some kind of built in compensation system.
Maybe its role is not even the "compensation" but to make me belive today is the day of greatness so i keep going instead of logging off if i get bad returns early following a bad return whole day :D
Sure there is some kind of system that compensate and correct one's return from time to time.
Not personal loot pool, well, as others already said, personal loot pool can be viewed as many things, so it all depends on what MA think a "personal loot pool" would be.
The thing they belive a "personal loot pool" would be is not exist, but its not means there are no system in the loot pool that is tracking and changing on one's return when needed.

From my side, i have noticed 1 thing that is surely works as something like a compensation system, which i hardly notice during everyday hunt in shorter smaller cycles, but i often notice it during the much bigger and longer mayhem cycles.
After a bad return day, the next day always starts good, like global very early and a few more still in the first 15-30 mins, something like a small fast compensation for only the previsious run, than it stops and just normal return than.
Happens a lot of times for me to belive its just coincidence.

Would i consider that as a "personal loot pool"? Definetly no, but i consider it as some kind of built in compensation system.
Maybe its role is not even the "compensation" but to make me belive today is the day of greatness so i keep going instead of logging off if i get bad returns early following a bad return whole day :D
agreed with the first paragraph, not so sure about the rest m8.

Its like, WE KNOW poker is totally random, like the universe isnt saying, "today though shalt have great cards" but we all have those days, where like you get one great hand after another and then even hit shit on the flop. then other days, dang it, you cant even hit a stupid pair, and if you do, the others have a flush. wtf? So i think its mostly the human brain doing its thing, recognizing patterns, even if there are none.

My conclusion, there could technically be something that someone thinks of as a personal loot pool, if MA defines it in some weird way that that person does not. But I would guess, there is no such thing even by the broadest definition. I dont feel like making a statistical analyses, more specifically, I dont have the data but Im sure someone tracked their returns with some software and could. Id love to get my hands on some 72h non stop hunting session data and do some R'ing on that tho.
I don’t believe there is active balancing.
What we are seeing is just the natural trend for averages to well… average over time. Your balancing loot will eventually come because the law of large numbers says it will. It’s great when mathematics just works by itself without needing MA employees intently watching the cycle trends of every player.

Confirmation bias will always be the main driver for all these payback loot theories.
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From my side, i have noticed 1 thing that is surely works as something like a compensation system, which i hardly notice during everyday hunt in shorter smaller cycles, but i often notice it during the much bigger and longer mayhem cycles.
After a bad return day, the next day always starts good, like global very early and a few more still in the first 15-30 mins, something like a small fast compensation for only the previsious run, than it stops and just normal return than.
Happens a lot of times for me to belive its just coincidence.

Would i consider that as a "personal loot pool"? Definetly no, but i consider it as some kind of built in compensation system.
Maybe its role is not even the "compensation" but to make me belive today is the day of greatness so i keep going instead of logging off if i get bad returns early following a bad return whole day :D
It's called a wave.
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Such a common misconception that makes certain players jump on the bandwagon (as always) when the original thread isn't talking about a loot pool, saying there is no personal lootpool.
There is a personal return.
Never been a believer in multipliers so much..... they exist but, focus more on accumulators and maybe we'll all be less anxious than the usual knee jerk reactors to this thread.
In essence, does the system track an avatars overall return and adjusts to it

I hate this forum's quoting tools.

Anyways, I'm not sure what else would be meant by this.
There is an old official statement saying, paraphrased "lost ped is lost" indicating that there is no such system in place.

This was a statement made when it was a common theory that it didn't matter what you did because you would get back what you were "owed" eventually.
I believe the same is true today. That there is no compensation system. That any and all occurrences of things indicating such a system is coincidental and statistically likely even.

I believe (and I cannot state enough that these are beliefs) that most occurences of "kickbacks" are remembered as such because they align with how people believe the system works.

I'll see if i can dig up the old quote.
Shower thoughts.

Ill take crafting for example on quantity/green.

As forgo even said in this thread all we do is to get some multi that eventually even up. (return %) 0.3 0.6 1,1 0,7 ...100 but overall avg is 1. Crafting on green/quantity 100% QR (95% success rate bps)actually gives all return back except the fails (thats 95% return). Now you have players that say crafting sux. Yes its expensive as fuck, when you start a QR bp the return is actually 82%. MA need to make somehow money and this the system they created. You invest in a bp losing TT and eventually getting it to 95% return. Now some will say "i dont recover the tt lost". IF u did maxed bp or L bp u had higher TT return long term but if you always do small QR you will never break even. Alukat had this theory that his hofs are on non maxed BP but actually he was getting fooled and then he was expecting return, what return you expect when you click bps with 82-90% sucucesrate/return haha

Hunting got same system of Hit Ability when you dont have a maxed weapon miss will count as a fail. This will explain some of your losses and never the ability to recover.
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Shower thoughts.

NGL this post has me thinking of a system where UL weapons start at 0 EFF and have to be worked up to their proper percentage.

Ehhh, yeah - I'm going to bed. I hope I don't regret sharing that particular "shower thought".
There is definitely some kind of pity system or a system that ranks ppl in the loot pool and awards the highest ranks. Every single time I get a hof or a lot of globals that take me back to my average return if I am lower than it.
100% it compensates.

think I’ve already replied to this. Hopefully I said something similar 😂😂
Just to clear up some apparent confusion and misunderstandings related to the Personal Lootpool portion of Developer Notes #2-- Entropia Universe has never had any kind of so called personal lootpool mechanic.

It seems some participants have incorrectly interpreted the developer note article to mean that personal lootpools or some other sort of loot tracking / avatar compensation mechanic existed in the past and was later removed. This is not the case

I have still not been able to find the post that I am remembering seeing. Until I stumble across it by chance, the above will have to do. (Between accounts losing staff titles, being hidden completely and keeping track of when those accounts started posting "as staff" rather than as players makes it quite tedious to dig up old info)

The above statement alongside the more recent (post loot 2.0) statement
No, there still is no personal loot pool.
leads me to believe that there is not, and have never been, any compensatory mechanic in play in EU.

Once again, beliefs, not facts
I have still not been able to find the post that I am remembering seeing. Until I stumble across it by chance, the above will have to do.

The above statement alongside the more recent (post loot 2.0) statement

leads me to believe that there is not, and have never been, any compensatory mechanic in play in EU.

Once again, beliefs, not facts
This is correct; the game does not punish you for doing well, or reward you for doing poorly. It is not part of the loot algorithm, and there is no pool for bonus like the bonus shrap you get sometimes.
I feel like the one thing that MA reps have said in official context more than any other thing about the game is:

"There is no personal loot pool".

I agree, it's a shared loot pool so sometimes even when playing super eco you're still gonna take massive losses when someone else gets massive loots.
Maybe just read the Patch notes , specialy those about looter skill ?

Just a small idea