Easter Mayhem 2023 - What Data collected

Nov 17, 2021
Eudoria, Calypso, Mindark
Temporal Destinies
Avatar Name
Cuilwen Evey Arnold
After a few times going into Annihilation 01 (my points are only at 5007) I thought I share some Data with those that may find it interesting.
As I am an Eco Player since 2008 when I started. I find it challenging to watch what I spend/decay to what I received from the hunt.

I completed my EASTER Mayhem that I set out to do this year. Just Bronze. As I do like to gather Data. I made a spreadsheet for you to look at and see what I spent and what was received. I can tell you that I did get Hit often about 8599x (this is not pts just how many times a mob hit me) I evaded them 6642 times :D -- Spend about 44.5hrs in the instance :)
Just wanted to share my :love:sweet Bunny who I got the other day from the Easter Mayhem. She has reached LVL 3 today and was officially named.
I do not regret all the peds I spento_O to get her :). So I like to share her with you all.