News: EBN: Advancing Robot Peril

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Recent updates from the Calypso Defence Force indicate an escalating threat from robotic forces on Calypso, marking a significant increase in tensions.

Detailed analyses of combat encounters reveal that the recent robotic maneuvers, particularly deploying units targeting RDI Data Interceptors for destruction, have been intended to distract and divert the planet's colonists. This tactical diversion effectively lessened the defensive pressure exerted by the colonists, allowing robotic forces to solidify their control over various territories.

In this concerning development, Harvester robots have reappeared in some of the areas they dominated a year prior. These robots are at the forefront of a larger scheme to exploit Calypso's resources, marking an unprecedented level of intrusion on the planet.

The Harvesters have significantly impacted various areas differently, and we urge the public to exercise caution in the following zones:

  • Lowest Threat Zones: Notus, southwest of Fort Lahar, southeast of Chug’s Hideout
  • Medium Threat Zones: South of Fort Argus, southeast of Rogue Plains East, southeast of Honuri
  • Highest Threat Zones: West of Fort Pandora, west of Camp Caravan, north/northeast of Minopolis

Sarchi is still located at Camp Carter and will continue to offer weapon amplifier upgrades in exchange for certain materials that may be recovered from destroyed robots.

The situation for Calypso is dire, and the CDF is issuing a call to arms. Brave and skilled colonists are called upon to join the fight and resist the robotic tide threatening their home…

Originally Posted Here
Shame I have no weapon or armour right now 🙈
  • Lowest Threat Zones: Notus, southwest of Fort Lahar, southeast of Chug’s Hideout
  • Medium Threat Zones: South of Fort Argus, southeast of Rogue Plains East, southeast of Honuri
  • Highest Threat Zones: West of Fort Pandora, west of Camp Caravan, north/northeast of Minopolis

in 2024 players are lazy, and kinda want to recive waypoints to get interested and participate

other than that, nice more robots, robots have no chance.
in 2024 players are lazy, and kinda want to recive waypoints to get interested and participate

other than that, nice more robots, robots have no chance.
Agree.. I mean I worked it out quick enough, but just annoyed me. Every other game gives you waypoints. Sometimes there is no need to be different.
Going to spawn and finding no mobs wtf you guys just want people run around without clue ?
Atleast give some message like harvestor on cooldown next spawn at xx:yyy
hmm sounds like a wee trip back to caly and have a bash :p
what event is this, nothing at coordinates ///
yeah patch that, I aint got time for this p**h
From the last event people knew when they spawned and killed them pretty quick, so you have to be in the know 🙈
Easy, just get a family member login n sit at every spawn
I suppose this event is over? I went in the direction noted in client loader but no bueno
They're still up, they do seem to have a long respawn though!?
thanks, thought it was a event where you go and kill a couple if you only had an hour or so to play... like other event spawns hehe
thanks, thought it was a event where you go and kill a couple if you only had an hour or so to play... like other event spawns hehe
Is one of those Harvest Matrix from last year but slightly different buffs/debuffs and more ped to pump in without return I'd I remember last year correctly
Most locations here are still good, please report any errors and I'll update the thread when I have time.
