EFD Growth Fund Society...


Mar 27, 2009
Avatar Name
Trivan Blacknight Oconnor
Just wondering if there is anyone out there who would be interested that is either already a growth fund member, or would like to be one in the future in creating a society around the fund.

The specifics will be expanded upon later.



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It's an interesting thought... However, the problem I see with it is many in the fund are already a part of established societies...

If this was a temporary society that would allow anyone in the fund to come and go in the society as they please, it may be ok. That way folks could come in, add people in the fund to friend list, leave, and go back to their home societies....

Since STTS does not exist, and those few that were wanting to start up a new one have not completely done so yet, it may be a very neat way to re-implement something similar to that... It could also play a role similar to the original one that Entropia Investment Fund played prior to the time they purchased zero TT items such as the mall shop and LAs, but without any real up front investment to just get in to the fund (other than efd payments)

Pay TT value for items, pay profit shares in fund shares that grow over time and can be cashed out in the future or at any time... The society could have traders in it that would play a role similar to the one that Josh and his agents used to play in STTS... with the difference being that each individual trader plays a role much more as a buyer and seller rather than just a buyer handing things over the the middle man (Josh in STTS and Nihilist in Growth Fund).. Perhaps allow folks in the society to TT one another various items just to trade things around and try out new things, etc. Maybe get more consignment shops involved instead of just Dead Man's Plunder...

Could lead to some interesting things going on... a consortium of traders seeking to help out one another.

Have to admit, I have played around with this sort of idea in my brain a while back, and actually was at one point thinking about creating a society called the Chamber of Commerce, but never did so since my home society is NBK at the present, and probably long term future.
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;)Yes. This is exactly right. In my opinion (up the change or interprestation or retraction by Nihilist) is that the society will work together progressing in game while at the same time doing activities that benefit the fund such as the above mentioned.

The bigger the society gets theoretically the more growth the fund will have because of its members. The fund could give +tt on most items without having to wait on auctioning them (small amounts of stackables, and other items), and if you are a shareholder in the fund you benefit yourself by buying from it, and selling low to it because you are helping your share value.

People in this society will be the ones dead set on doing anything they can to increase the growth of the fund so such things as dividends (payouts and other options) can be realized because of the size of the fund.

There really is no reason not to get involved (unless with another society which is fine...you can still be in the fund and participate).

But the hardcore fund builders who want to drive the growth will be the ones in the society :wtg:
;)Yes. This is exactly right. In my opinion (up the change or interprestation or retraction by Nihilist) is that the society will work together progressing in game while at the same time doing activities that benefit the fund such as the above mentioned.

The bigger the society gets theoretically the more growth the fund will have because of its members. The fund could give +tt on most items without having to wait on auctioning them (small amounts of stackables, and other items), and if you are a shareholder in the fund you benefit yourself by buying from it, and selling low to it because you are helping your share value.

People in this society will be the ones dead set on doing anything they can to increase the growth of the fund so such things as dividends (payouts and other options) can be realized because of the size of the fund.

There really is no reason not to get involved (unless with another society which is fine...you can still be in the fund and participate).

But the hardcore fund builders who want to drive the growth will be the ones in the society :wtg:

Yeah unfortunately I'm already in a great society... won't be able to join..sorry
I wish I could be in two societies at the same time.
Maybe Mindark should invent a thing called company... The efd growth fund company to join ingame... that would seriously rock, and I would be a part of it.
But as it is, The Power of COL is running through my vains.
Hmm...that is an interesting point...maybe like have a society, and then a Corporation on the side of it that is mean't for business ventures only.

So it would be like.... EFDGrowth Corp. / Call Of Lootius

I think that is a novel idea...

But yea I understand alot of dedicated Growth Fund peeps are already in sweet societies so....totally get it....:D
well i'll just jump in the thread. - ; )

of course i'm interested..

but first things first.. I wouldn't want to pull any avatars from other well working soc's..

I actually have 5 avatars interested so far.. but 4 that i would call active avatars.
I wish I could be in two societies at the same time.
Maybe Mindark should invent a thing called company... The efd growth fund company to join ingame... that would seriously rock, and I would be a part of it.
But as it is, The Power of COL is running through my vains.

I like that idea !
I would prolly jump in if something changes with my current life...

kinda free bump
I think its a great idea :)

creating a soc around the venture would keep people much more involved as well, as all the blue talk in game would be from others in the fund's soc. Were the soc also to function as mastermesh mentioned, as a collection of traders all working together to maximize their effectiveness, this would be a huge additional perk. I've been looking for a soc like this.

Though relatively young in Entropia, I'm very interested.
I think its a great idea :)

creating a soc around the venture would keep people much more involved as well, as all the blue talk in game would be from others in the fund's soc. Were the soc also to function as mastermesh mentioned, as a collection of traders all working together to maximize their effectiveness, this would be a huge additional perk. I've been looking for a soc like this.

Though relatively young in Entropia, I'm very interested.

Awesome! :yay: Send Nihilist a pm saying your interested.:D

Any other takers?
Free bump for you :)
Interested and contacting. looking forward to working for the binifit of the shareholders.
Daily Bump

best of luck guys:)

i can see there are several new and enthusiastic members of the community interested in this... it's a good thing...
:yay:woohoo finally the EFDGrowth Corp. IS A ALIVE!:D
ok.. lets use this thread as a running tally of interested members shall we trivan?.. update the first post with anyone that has claimed definite interest.. and I will send a few more people to this thread too. - ; )
Sounds good working on it right now...
I'm interested :) :yay:
WooT very kool added to the list!:yay::yay:
Should have read your post first!

This is kinda the same, well exactly the same as the society I'm trying to start now, only no members yet. It's The Atlantis Consortium, but we would only be interested in small items that people normally sell at TT price anyway, like hair spray or hair gel, some of the extractors, etc. I even set up a social site for the Consortium: http://atlantuim.ning.com (actually was on the phone and misspelled atlantium, but no biggie.) I looked for a society but didn't see anything that offered what I wanted: a chance to own a piece of real estate, organized hunts, a web site with forums and chat, with trade and support between members. But you might have a point, why does it have to be an in-game society?