Enter the wrong code over three times ?


Old Alpha
Mar 2, 2007
Today i accidently did push the wrong code that the gold card generates three times.. and when i was going to activate the gold card again with entering two codes i did wrong on them aswell LOL, i don't know if i was entering wrong code by mistake but yesterday i had a few friends at my house and one of them was playing around with my gold card without me seeing it, so i hope it didn't get affected by that :p
So anyways i took contact with the support and searched for a solution since the account now is blocked, and i did generate 2 security codes in a support message and sent it.. but the thing is it's weekend now and the entropia support usually don't answer you by this time! So they will probably fix my account in about two days from now :( Is there anyone out there that knows another solution do this then just having to support message MindArk and wait?
*sorry if its hard to understand what i want to know hehe
regards -Eric-
Once my wife used my GC instead of hers (because of where I left it) and locked her acct, and it was on a Wednesday. It took until Monday to get her acct unlocked. Hopefully you'll only have to wait until Monday.
There is no other solution, the support-department needs to manually re-sync your card to their internal information. After generating the codes for the support-case, do not play around with your card, and wait untill you get confirmation, since you will only make it more troublesome to sync it.
yes , thank you for your replies :) it was as i suspected :( and yeah it said i shouldn't insert the GC in the reader before they activated now!