Entropia Services are Hiring/Recruiting!


Oct 20, 2013
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Entropia Services Manager

Mission Statement

Entropia Services is dedicated to building a society-company. We strive to provide our members with opportunity, stability, growth and profit. These objectives will be achieved through dedication and trust. Our members hold a high regard for both their personal reputation and our society reputation. We will train and work with anyone who is willing to dedicate themselves to our cause. Our goal is to be the most respected and profitable society-company within the Entropia Universe, using the tools and mechanisms at our disposal in a legal and honest manner, all the while respecting others and displaying a great deal of professionalism.

Corporate Structure

There are several positions that may be held while a member of Entropia Services. Each position brings with it a unique set of responsibilities that will be outlined below. The division of labour enables Entropia Services to provide equal opportunity for its members as well as provide specialized avatar growth.

The following is a list positions and the responsibilities that go along with that title.

Division Manager(s)

  • Responsible for maintaining the society’s focus of our Mission Statement.
  • May delegate responsibilities to other society members.
  • Divisions include;
    • Manufacturing
    • Hunting
    • Mining
    • Trading/Advertising/Event Promotion
    • Spares/Paramedics
  • Responsible for their specified division’s day-to-day operations.
  • Reports directly to either the Vice President or CEO.
  • Keeps detailed spreadsheet logs of their division’s day-to-day operations.
  • Must commit a minimum of 7 hours per week of in-game time.
  • Oversees the Department Manager(s).
  • May be promoted/demoted by majority vote.
  • May participate in multiple lower ranking position.

Department Manager(s)

  • Responsible for maintaining the society’s focus of our Mission Statement.
  • Reports directly to their specified Division Manager.
  • May be promoted/demoted by majority vote.
  • Acts as a Foreman/Supervisor for their specified division.
  • Responsible for their division’s Employees.
    • 1 Manufacturer
    • 1 Miner
    • 1 Hunter
    • 1 Trader/Advertiser/Event Promoter
    • 1 Spare/Paramedic
  • Monitors their Employee’s day-to-day activities.
  • Collects society loots from Employees to deliver to their specified Division Manager.
  • Must commit a minimum of 7 hours per week of in-game time.
  • Acts as an Employee with additional responsibility.


  • Responsible for maintaining the society’s focus of our Mission Statement.
  • Reports directly to their specific Department Manager.
  • Must commit a minimum of 7 hours per week of in-game time.
  • Must hand in all society loot to their specific Department Manager.
  • Each Employee is provided with appropriate gear for their specific role.
  • Duties may include:
    • Hunting for specific resources.
    • Mining for specific resources.
    • Manufacturing specific items.
    • Trading unwanted items or resources.
    • Mercenary Services.
    • Healing Services
    • Advertising Services.
    • Trading Services.
    • Promotion Services
    • Pilot Services.
    • Escort Services.
    • Delivery Services.
    • Other duties may be delegated by higher ranking members.


  • Responsible for maintaining the society’s focus of our Mission Statement.
  • On probation until promoted to Employee.
  • Assists senior society members with duties or services.

Society Inventory and Accounts

The society inventory and accounts are initially accumulated by way of Investment or Donation and maintained by way of profits.

  • If a society member wishes to invest in the society, their monthly pay is adjusted until their initial investment is paid back.
  • Once their initial investment is paid back, the member’s pay is again adjusted and are now entitled to a % share of Global/HOFs which is calculated by the Vice President.
  • If a society member wishes to make a donation to the society inventory or accounts, he may do so and will be entitled to a slightly higher % share of Global/HOFs than that of an Investor.

Employee Pay & Benefits

The Vice President, who is responsible for society accounting manages Employee Pay.

  • Employees are paid monthly on the 1st of the month.
  • The employees are paid a % of profits for the previous month.
  • This is similar to that of Calypso Land Deed payments however, it is strictly paid from profits, not revenue.
  • If there are no profits from the previous month, there are no payments made.

Some Benefits to being a member of Entropia Services are as follows:

  • Entropia Services provide all Employees with appropriate gear/uniform and cover all costs to complete a job, the most obvious benefit is FREE SKILLS!
  • Another benefit is that you will be able to operate under the Entropia Services banner while conducting personal business, increasing your reach.
  • We will attempt to provide monthly Society Member events, with prizes, as available!
  • Members may make orders for personal gear at discounted prices!
  • Other benefits will be added as they become available.

Rules and Regulations

Each member, no matter their rank must abide by these Rules and Regulations at all times. Breaking any of these rules and regulations are subject to appropriate discipline.

  1. Above anything and everything - Entropia Services Society Members are #1 priority.
  2. All members must abide by Entropia Universe’s T.O.S. and E.U.L.A.
  3. No member shall steal, cheat, or scam another participant in the Entropia Universe.
  4. All members must show respect to each and every member within the Entropia Universe no matter the situation; our reputation is PRIORITY.
  5. All members must follow the chain of command and this document.
  6. Additional Rules and Regulations will be added.

This is an excerpt of the Entropia Services - Operating Manual. Upon membership you will be entitled to the entire document.

Please visit www.entropiaservices.tk and fill out an Application Form found on the main page.

Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you soon!

Note: The society and website are still in Alpha-Stage.
We are looking for some serious, experienced players to fill our senior positions of:

- Vice President
- Division Managers
- Department Managers

Responsibilites, time commitments and the Operating Manual will be discussed and is open to amendment during our first official society meeting once these senior positions have been filled.

Look for me in-game. I'm always ready to chat!