Entropia Universe 18.2 Release Notes

It makes sense in a game where crafting is essential or the economies are more connected. In another MMO I play you have workers that gather, refine etc and you then "feed" them with food or beer. The player crafts the food and this takes time and repetitive cooking action so just creates a time consuming task.
Ex. I want this gun, but it needs 1000 "widgets" so it would be nice once I get the material to turn on the crafting and walk away.
That scenario is almost nothing like how EU runs. I think for SOME people they craft their own items, but it's got to be very very low. Crafting mats tend to be sold to other crafters with probably the exception of mining amps and enhancers.
I've tried mining mats I want to craft with or same with hunting and it leads to horrible horrible returns.
Who didn't just think of BLP when they saw this function?
I really wanted to see everquest 2 type crafting where personal skill "sorta" mattered. Even ff14 crafting was better than what we have.

Anything better than this gambly junk.
There was no market for this feature except to add more "money" in mindarks pocket. It's the only reason they did it. Unless there was a "not enough time to do everything" issue to solve, this only destroys a segment of the game where few exist. Crafter supply hunters because hunters are busy. And so forth.

Mindark lacks the understanding to continue to balance or rebalance the game they created.

They are clearly listening to players, if any, that they shouldn't be.

This sort of greed from the shareholders is the real reason the CEO resigned.

The game will die out gradually now if this is the direction they're going to take it in
Alrighty... sitting and laying down... cool I guess? Been 15 years we've been asking for it returned. Kinda odd that time was spent to add it in now though. Isn't the Unreal version supposed to be coming Soon™? Is it just going to be lost when we move? Is Unreal even still happening? Or is this MA's subtle way of saying "yeah it's not happening so we're polishing up this turd instead" lol (we should start a thread counting until we get and unreal update, been a while since we did something like that on the forum).

Auto crafting is kind of an interesting idea but seems it may not have been all that well thought out. Perhaps the main motivations on MA's end were an effort to get people doing other stuff while crafting and to save a few bucks in server resources by not wasting them on crafters just standing around in game while they go to bed IRL?

Well... it's a thing. Sorry to be so apathetic about it but... you've got a lot more to do before some of my cynicism starts washing away. These changes are very little, very late. Start delivering on a few more promises from many years ago and we'll take another look. Honestly at this point I think it's going to take an entire reworking of the core game loop for me to get fully reinvested.
This sort of greed from the shareholders is the real reason the CEO resigned.

The game will die out gradually now if this is the direction they're going to take it in
Think you only need to look at the board to see direction game will take.

Games been dieing gradually for years supposedly but considering their earnings are better then 2013 and rising every year all I see is more automation on cards tbh.

It's the most expensive game out their to play by far and we get sit down mechanics and automation. It's 2024 not 2000.

I do hope this is just a filler while their strongly working on new graphics engine because if it is not well they need less management and more actual programmers.
It’s clear for a lot of you Mindark can’t do
Anything right.

Maybe it’s time you vent your frustrations by selling sell?

Show you actually care, not just enjoy a moan for the sake of it….
Honestly at this point I think it's going to take an entire reworking of the core game loop for me to get fully reinvested.
I liked your post, but don't fully agree with this bit. I don't think the core is the problem, rather mostly the cosmetics/details. As such, it's good to have steps back towards actual fun, also just while chilling out that doesn't earn MA peds directly.
Even on something as small as waiting for people to arrive at rangers on Cyrene, I like the idea of sitting instead of standing with gun armed, looking somewhat impatient maybe.

But you did write "fully reinvested", so if you mean "core" as in where the game is headed, then ok. I think the progress ladder needs attention, the availability of useful info from within the game itself, plus moving one way or the other on botting practices. If crafting turnover now increases, then you can see it as either sanctioned botting, or less of the game percentages affected by the hunting bots. But that second bit is problematic because both hunting and mining bots can now feed in more easily to long crafting sessions with the same avatar even.

This move is thus semi-core. We'll have to see how it plays out I guess. I'd have preferred factory crafting for others' orders to be introduced I think, but like you, I dunno where the game is headed, UE5 or otherwise ...
how does skill increase work with auto-construction? regular or changes there? :)


Skill gains would need some explanation, how do the gains work with skill pills etc now?

What about skill pills and clothes or items that give skill gain buffs? Do they work with this auto construction feature or would those skill gains only apply to regular crafting while standing at the terminal?

will skillbuffs on the avatar impact the skillgain of autocrafts on the planet the avatar is on / or all planets / or will autocrafts have no skillbuffs ?

The auto construction is not affected by any buffs from any source since the machine is doing all the work and not you, so any skill gain buffs will not affect your skill gains when auto-crafting.
Thanks for the clarifications, also to me from yesterday.
While I didn't expect skill gain buffs to work, I assume our core skills work (the skill green bar looked as high as usual when I had a short look, at any rate)...
has this auto construction been disabled ? I tried use it and got a message "auto construction is not available at this time try again later"
has this auto construction been disabled ? I tried use it and got a message "auto construction is not available at this time try again later"
Alrighty... sitting and laying down... cool I guess? Been 15 years we've been asking for it returned. Kinda odd that time was spent to add it in now though. Isn't the Unreal version supposed to be coming Soon™? Is it just going to be lost when we move? Is Unreal even still happening? Or is this MA's subtle way of saying "yeah it's not happening so we're polishing up this turd instead" lol (we should start a thread counting until we get and unreal update, been a while since we did something like that on the forum).

Auto crafting is kind of an interesting idea but seems it may not have been all that well thought out. Perhaps the main motivations on MA's end were an effort to get people doing other stuff while crafting and to save a few bucks in server resources by not wasting them on crafters just standing around in game while they go to bed IRL?

Well... it's a thing. Sorry to be so apathetic about it but... you've got a lot more to do before some of my cynicism starts washing away. These changes are very little, very late. Start delivering on a few more promises from many years ago and we'll take another look. Honestly at this point I think it's going to take an entire reworking of the core game loop for me to get fully reinvested.
It is very clear this is the sentiment of the game player base except those that are the cheerleaders.
I liked your post, but don't fully agree with this bit. I don't think the core is the problem, rather mostly the cosmetics/details. As such, it's good to have steps back towards actual fun, also just while chilling out that doesn't earn MA peds directly.
Even on something as small as waiting for people to arrive at rangers on Cyrene, I like the idea of sitting instead of standing with gun armed, looking somewhat impatient maybe.

But you did write "fully reinvested", so if you mean "core" as in where the game is headed, then ok. I think the progress ladder needs attention, the availability of useful info from within the game itself, plus moving one way or the other on botting practices. If crafting turnover now increases, then you can see it as either sanctioned botting, or less of the game percentages affected by the hunting bots. But that second bit is problematic because both hunting and mining bots can now feed in more easily to long crafting sessions with the same avatar even.

This move is thus semi-core. We'll have to see how it plays out I guess. I'd have preferred factory crafting for others' orders to be introduced I think, but like you, I dunno where the game is headed, UE5 or otherwise ...
Primarily my belief is the RCE for everything is fundamentally flawed. Don't get me wrong, I like the real cash aspect but I think the game would do a lot better if all the extra overhead was removed.

IE armor... Why do we need hundreds of peds locked into that just to maintain full protection? With loot 2.0 arnor decay is included in loot anyways. So why not just have all associated hunting costs just ammo? Why can't armor parts work like E.L.M weapons. A TT value of like 0.20 and decays very slow. Then implimenting the skill based protection decay they promised forever ago.

There's a lot of ways that a RCE could be implemented that doesn't require such a high base investment and ongoing overhead while still providing essentially the same experience. That's partly what I mean by changing the core game loop.
Im not sure what to think about this one. Will it help economy or will it ever work at all ? I get a bad bad feeling about it coming up and then just a few hours in it gets disconnected. Very 2005 ;).
I do not look at auto construction as taking EU forward. Its just a fast moneygrab offcourse.
That's partly what I mean by changing the core game loop.
Ah, ok. I feel a bit differently about that in so far as I think we should be partly 'invested' in the levels of play we reach, so if good armour at full strength requires tied up peds, for example, then alright. There is also (L) armour at sometimes low mus that ties up less and keeps full defense as it wears, so we have choices.

(Harmless, light-hearted irony alert): In a bit of a plot twist, I wouldn't be surprised if MA just wanted the extra window implemented into the AH (edit oops, mean crafting) UI ready for UE5, and that an actually functioning autocon system won't come until then. They know they can hide behind any number of bugs these days, so maybe they are just pretending, and this is their way of giving us a sneek peek at a future feature ...
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Many ppl don't understand the long-term negative effects this can have. 👎
Ah, ok. I feel a bit differently about that in so far as I think we should be partly 'invested' in the levels of play we reach, so if good armour at full strength requires tied up peds, for example, then alright. There is also (L) armour at sometimes low mus that ties up less and keeps full defense as it wears, so we have choices.

(Harmless, light-hearted irony alert): In a bit of a plot twist, I wouldn't be surprised if MA just wanted the extra window implemented into the AH (edit oops, mean crafting) UI ready for UE5, and that an actually functioning autocon system won't come until then. They know they can hide behind any number of bugs these days, so maybe they are just pretending, and this is their way of giving us a sneek peek at a future feature ...

But what if it wasn't just a cash investment but instead you actually had to play the game. An investment in time and accomplishment. That's kind of why I love the H.E.A.R.T. FAP mission chain on Cyrene and I really feel it's a huge step in the right direction of how the game should be going. It takes a fair amount of time and money to get the upgrade but the fap at the higher levels is really bad ass. No way to just "buy into it" though, even if you buy the grindy resources, you still have to put in the work and grinding out the kills at different stages.

Yes, it's not tradeable... just like the Viceroy armor set and others... But I kind of like that to an extent. You earn something that has real value when compared to buying a comparable tradable item that will be with you going forward. Not just grinding to get an item you fire sale for a quick buck. A non-repeatable mission that helps you grow your avatar and unlocks the ability to reduce your overhead by playing to get these permanent items that are essential to the profession. So at least you can look at it like "well I was hunting a whole bunch and only got an 82% return, but at least I got this sweet UL item for my losses that can help me next time".

I would love to see that... as you get higher up in level you have chains that unlock these UL items... the H.E.A.R.T fap and Viceroy armor set for example. Even guns of various levels. They don't need to be amazing, just something with a reasonable DPS and average EFF you can grind to. And if all these items were like E.L.M. with under 1 ped TT and low decay... Hell, you could even have repeatable missions that give decent L guns if the cost isn't too crazy. The sheer cost for the L guns from the daily mission trader is psychotic unless you're only doing the bonus missions.

This rewards people for playing rather than rewarding people that can shell out the most money. Problem with the current game is there is zero real reward for progression other than "unlocking" having to spend more money to "hunt at your level". Once you get to a certain point in this game you either stop progressing to bigger mobs or the cost to get an UL gun that uses your max skill level is INSANE. It's like a mortgage payment lol.

Even if you want to play with limited gear, once you get to a certain point the cycle on the gear is nuts. L guns don't last remotely close to long enough from a kills per gun standpoint. Returns are horrible enough as it is on a lower budget of only 1000 peds or so, then you've got to contend with insane markups on L guns and enhancers and such. Armor lasts a bit longer but the overhead for a Persueus set or other higher end set for TT and markup is insane. If you don't already have all the overhead taken care of, a budget of $100-$200 is laughable. Counter this to the fact that I can deposit $100 into an online casino and play the slots or tables I want to play without first needing to put in a few hundred more just to have access to those games. Whether it's $0.50 a spin or 5 peds a kill....

"what about crafters and the markup of guns?". Simple.... fuck 'em lol. I mean the vast majority of activity in this game are hunters and the vast majority of Armatrix crafters aren't making a profit. Seriously though, there will still be plenty of people buying those L guns to help them unlocked better UL guns. Especially if the missions are tiered in such a way that the lvl 1 UL gun you unlock isn't strong enough to kill the mobs required to unlock the lvl 2 UL gun reward from a mission. Limited guns can also be redesigned to have better efficiencies and other benefits over the UL unlocked guns. Maybe those UL guns aren't tierable, I don't know...

Anyways, probably gone off on a big tangent here... lol If you read this whole post good job lol
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Do you still global in game? Logged out?

More importantly, can we buttslide again?
Do you still global in game? Logged out?

More importantly, can we buttslide again?
Globalling is disabled for autocraft. In fact, no loots greater than a 73% return LOL
  • PBR for Garments
Support for Physically Based Rendering (PBR) has been added to Avatar-equipped items such as Armors and Garments to improve visuals.

  • Sit and Lie down
Reimplemented Sit and Lie down emotes. They can be accessed through ‘Actions’ under ‘Control’.

ZOMG!!! For how many years I have been standing... can finally sit down again! Yaaay!

Hopefully same poses as before?

I just want to say thank you for adding in the auto construction function as I often get stuck standing at the construction machine waiting hours on component runs. Normally I have to go do something else, play another game, watch a movie, etc. but today I was able to go out and do my dailies instead of standing at the crafter. I am grateful to be able to go do something else in game while components are running vs going to play something else for a few hours, thank you!
Has anyone figured out how long does it take to finish 9999 cliks with auto-construction? I logged in yesterday to try it out and it seems a lot slower that normal crafting, normally doing 10k clicks takes about 12 hours. And how about auto-con returns, are they worse than normal?
Has anyone figured out how long does it take to finish 9999 cliks with auto-construction? I logged in yesterday to try it out and it seems a lot slower that normal crafting, normally doing 10k clicks takes about 12 hours. And how about auto-con returns, are they worse than normal?
Normal crafting is 6 seconds per click or 10 clicks per minute or 600 clicks per hour, so 9999 clicks would normally take about 16 hours and 40 minutes.
Has anyone figured out how long does it take to finish 9999 cliks with auto-construction? I logged in yesterday to try it out and it seems a lot slower that normal crafting, normally doing 10k clicks takes about 12 hours.

Normal crafting is 6 seconds per click or 10 clicks per minute or 600 clicks per hour, so 9999 clicks would normally take about 16 hours and 40 minutes.

For me it's 4,5s per click, 800 clicks per hour

Yes, auto-construction is currently slowed down compared to regular crafting by design.

However, our plan for the future is to make skills have an impact on the crafting speed while using auto-construction.