Entropia Universe Treasure Hunt #02 - Win price 200 PED, NO FEE!

Feb 18, 2009
So, it’s time for the second event. Sadly, I wasn’t able to get a new sponsor for layer ads in the last week, but I’m still looking for one, as Google Adsense is quite unsuitable for this project as it depends on users to click the ads and with PPM advertising the revenues would be much more predictable.

As last week, this event is also absolutely free. NO COSTS, NO REGISTRATION! Everyone can simply join and search for the treasure. Once you found it, submit a screenshot at

The Treasure
Symbolic Treasure: 7 Mind Essence
Winning Pot: 200 PED

For more information, Hints, Rules and FAQ check out the Entropia Universe Treasure Event page.
Oh, goody
! Let us see if I can defend my title :king:
Oh, goody
! Let us see if I can defend my title :king:
Guess i have to disappoint you. To my suprise the event ended quite quickly. Havent expected it to end so soon, didn't even had time to gather some revenue through advertisment to refinance the event!

Well, tough luck! A few days trading in auction house and the losses will be covered! Will have to make it somewhat harder for the next time, in one or two weeks!

The winner is Firemonkey Fire Aveon from the society Synergen. Will contact you to set a date/time to meet up for your reward!

The proof picutres can be found at:

Sorry@all/rest it ended so fast, wasn't planed so...
Any new treasure hunts any time soon???
I love freebies!
Will there be any more Treasure hunts like this one?