FYI: Excerpts from sR {24 Hour Hog Hunt}

Von Steuben

Mar 28, 2006
Charleston, South Carolina
Supremacy Reign HQ (General)
Avatar Name
Baron Von Steuben

I would like to share with the Community our weekend Event for Supremacy Reign.

This is just a look into our Society.

24 hour hoggolo hunt is now over. From entropiatracker it says that team sR {24 Hour Hog Hunt} collected 7.873 loot peds from 69 globals. Highest global was 367 ped and HOF was far away.

Here is the last huters at 08:00 in TI with last global :)

OK here is the story

Stupid idea I thought when I dragged my aching body from my bed, logged in and OMG no one on line. I loaded up, repaired, and put the kettle on, as a lot of you will testify I dont come alive till the Tea is flowing.

Then 5 mins to go, Indi logged on, We TP'd out and we had made the start time!
It was a good start as well, cant remember how many Hogs, maybe 1 or 2 till we got our first global, and it was an LR48 which was perfect as that was the gun Indi was using. We wandered around Hog land slaying the pink pigs as fast as we could, I have to admit I had doubts in my mind as to the success of it, there was a distinct lack of Soc mates on line.
Then good news, Octo logged and rushed out to meet us, and the 3 of us dropped a 194 ped ESI. Things were starting to look good, we sure needed that ESI. It cheered us up and geared us up for the next few hours. JJ arrived and we got another ESI, 14 peds but still nice.

Loot wasnt brilliant, it came and went but we kept going. As the SR family logged on they dragged themselves out and joined in. People came and people went, and the SR flag was still flying high, not massive spamming of the chat but enough to see a constant reminder to the rest of EU of our stirling efforts.

As the early evening wore on the Guys from USA started logging on & the team was up to 11 in total, and in typical SR style, we decided to "Go Big or Go Home" so we all headed to Segna for the Big Hogs.

This was for me the best part of it, just constant Vent (and YES Vent was full to the rafters) talk, was SO funny. The loot was better and of course the global spamming had things like sR {24 Hour Hog Hunt} killed a Hog Gaurdian :) so much better than a young.

Revive was busy, damn those things hurt. But we kept going and going till eventually we needed to revive and repair. After his we went back to the small Hogs.

Trying to get Indi to take a break was like trying to get an Elephant on a bus!

Team changes were done by creating a new one, same name, before disbanding the old one.

I think as I got tired, and the alcohol started to kick in, I dropped out and the team went to Grrrr?


Woke up this morning and logged straight back in before even switching my kettle on :mad:

Oh no I thought, very few SR on, no Grrrr but then noticed Indi and Daina were still logged in, pm's told me that Daina had the team and a few of their friends had joined the hunt. Great I thought we are gonna do it!!

Rushed out (forgot to repair and rearm) and joined in. Well as the morning wore on we had some nice globals, quite good and one thing I must say, Daina, you can talk quite a bit :)

To end the hunt Baron joined us which was fitting, and the hogs fell quicker than ever. Gilberd screenied us, as you can see in the above post, the final team.

Indi asked to extend it to a 48 hour hunt OUCH, with my eyes bleeding and my ears ringing from the constant shooting and dying Hog noises the end was welcome.

So Soc members, for each and everyone of you who turned up I give you a HUGE grats, without you all it would not have been possible.

We got our name in the chat channel 71 times, and I am sure Deathifier was rubbing his hands in glee.

We did it, and one last word and I have to say a HUGE thank you to Indi, Octo and Daina, they were AWESOME.

Kev(Sarah Petal Poppet)

Now get skilling up, 'cause next weekend HQ will own you ALL in the Soc Wars ;)

OMG we did it......
Kev your idea was fantastic..... i loved it from the first time.... and as hunting hogglo is one of my favor i cancelled anything i had for the day just to participate in this full time.... :D

What a fun !!!!!!
I even installed vent.... ohhh the talks on vent were hilarious.... i'm sure i died sometimes from the laughs....

It wasn't easy... there were 2 times i was afraid that we wouldn't make it...

First time was when an almost full team started from the TI North tp for a new run... found a great spawn of FOULS and they having so fun there that almost forgot the pigs.... :D

Second time was at 3:00 MA time on Sunday..... when after our last run... only me and Daina left from the SR family....
But Daina with all her connections found very quick some friends and form a good team to keep up.... Kev loggin in after 10 mins.... saw our first global with that team and realize that we still rolling the hunt....

But most important for me was the intresting and support i had from friends outside SR family. All the day pm's coming asking how we were doing... if we needed help etc... many people were watching us....and as they were seeing us keep spamming the global chat they knew we still continue....

It's not easy to keep a 24hours hunt.... not many socs can do it.... and i'm very proud that our soc... SR family... proved that can do it... and morover had fun doing it...

probably Daina was right... if all were using p5 guns it would been more eco...
but i'm sure MA would find the ways to reward us for this.... :D

many thx to Kev for his idea and many thx to all SR members for the fun...

cya all to soc wars II..... :yay:

Through Supremacy Reign's Recognition Program we have awarded the following to:

Sarah Petal Poppet
Indi Indi Indiman
Daina Gluepot Rendar
Octavius Octo Laurin

Thanks for all your support in making Supremacy Reign a choice among Entropia's Community.

Baron Von Steuben
General of Supremacy Reign HQ
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congratz guys, i know i promised to be there, thought i'd coax some more life out of the gold card but it wasn't to be. You did SR proud :)
Gratz on the big effort guys.

I saw the spamming in global chat and thought "whew, thats a long haul" :laugh:

Mac ;)
thats alot of hogg hours! :D

hope you did well.

It was a bundle of laughs, and if I ever see another Hog it will be too soon ;)

Great effort by all, Cadets, Inc, SR and HQ :wtg:

And thanks to the other guys who joined in on Sunday early morning, I still got peds for some of you, you are NOT forgotten :)

Now...Soc Wars Part II :yay::yay:
So you were the ones who competed with my beloved chiuaua team?:eek:

Gratz guys, awesome achievement... I know how hard it is to hunt for so long. I did a little marathon on my own on CP this week-end to unlock Wounding and it was exhausting.
