Favorite Sci Fi series

Gwen Ryuunami

Jun 18, 2008
Connecticut, West Haven
Calypso Settlers
Avatar Name
Gwen Kathry Ryuunami

I. Love. Doctor. Who. Tennant is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!

top 5 favorite sci fi

1. Doctor Who
2. Torchwood (Jack Harkness=HAWT!)
3. Stargate SG1/Atlantis
4. Eureka
5. TIE Cowboy Bebop/Code Geass

What are yours?
Hmm, choosing a top 5 would be tough, but #1 is without a doubt


It was a crime against humanity when that show got cancelled after 1 season :(
I would recomand :
Make a thread to ask people to make a list...
I mean , i never watched it , but i guess startrek should be in the list...
And then you make a poll with 10 entry for the most see in the list thread..
stargate SG1/Atlantis is the only sci fi serie i watch.
on jamhotTV there is a series called entropia... I like that :D
Hmm, choosing a top 5 would be tough, but #1 is without a doubt


It was a crime against humanity when that show got cancelled after 1 season :(

i have to second that...

on animation theres tons of goodness, like Cowboy Bebop, last exile, G.I.T.S, and many more...
Battlestar Galactica!
Posted via Mobile Device
does the star trek franchise count?:D

One of the best sci-fi series I've ever watched. Don't know why they cancelled it, what were they thinking? >_<

Star Trek Voyager

Loved the concept for the show, chucking a starship 70,000 lightyears from Earth and then basing the series on getting home. Particularly fond of it because of the the Doctor - my favourite character of all time. He had so many good one-liners and comments. "I'm a doctor, not a battery" xD
The one and only Babylon 5

Blakes 7. ofc :)
Doctor Who.
another vote for Firefly - great idea so really no idea why ppl did not watch it when it was on TV

in Books i found nothing to beat Dune so far
another vote for Firefly - great idea so really no idea why ppl did not watch it when it was on TV

in Books i found nothing to beat Dune so far

Books are a whole different ballgame, Philip K. Dick makes awesome scifi, those books have been made into films also, like Blade Runner yms.
Only you have to have some amount of persistance when reading those, since those can be a bit "odd" from time to time.... has something to do with Dick´s continuous LSD consumption...

I would love to find time to read Stanislaw Lem, the writer who wrote the book behind the both movies called "Solaris" which is truly awesome movie, at least the latter one, or newer...
1 word LEXX


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No doubt - Babylon 5
stargate SG1/Atlantis ofcourse :) best series ever. marathon watched season 1 to 8 when i was unemployed :p
Estate Of Panic
StarGate Atlantis....

thats it.
Is Firefly that good? Ive never seen it on tv.
LOL! i have to laugh that sooooooo many entropians have time to watch TV!?!?!

Hardly any of these modern ones i have heard of.... but i would probably go for this lot, LOL - showing my age......

Blake Seven
Star Trek
The Prisoner - well i think it has to be considered as sort of scifi.....
Tommorow People
Sapphire and Steel
Space 1999
Buck Rogers

Is Firefly that good? Ive never seen it on tv.
It was on for less than a year before it was canceled. It was the basis for the movie Serenity. If you haven't seen it I suggest you run (do not walk) to the nearest video rental store to get it. Or just buy it like I did.
LOL! i have to laugh that sooooooo many entropians have time to watch TV!?!?!

Hardly any of these modern ones i have heard of.... but i would probably go for this lot, LOL - showing my age......

Blake Seven
Star Trek
The Prisoner - well i think it has to be considered as sort of scifi.....
Tommorow People
Sapphire and Steel
Space 1999
Buck Rogers


Heh the only ive heard of was Star Trek.... lol
Star Trek T.O.S.
Star Trek T.N.G
Star Trek Voyager
Doctor Who
Sapphire and Steel

Probably some others, but not into Firefly, Stargate, Babylon 5 etc at all.

Oh yes, and The Outer Limits - watching these for the first time round even though they are 10 years old.
And may the weenie from Fox who decided to cancel it be forever damned and banished to Bad TV HELL!
I would love to find time to read Stanislaw Lem, the writer who wrote the book behind the both movies called "Solaris" which is truly awesome movie, at least the latter one, or newer...

Read it ... the film is a joke when you know the book :eek:
Is Firefly that good? Ive never seen it on tv.

To give you an idea of how good Firefly was.

When It came out on DVD it was the number one DVD sold on amazon for several weeks running which doesn't sound like much till you realize one of the Star Wars was released to DVD within a few days of Firefly.

Also when Firefly was on TV it was the most TIVOed show on TV at the time.

Yet the nielson ratings constantly showed it as a loser ratings wise.

Dex :cool:
1. nu Battlestar Galactica
2. Star Trek ("No Bloody 'A'")
3. Babylon 5
4. Firefly
5. The Prisoner
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