Flight Passengers BEWARE


Nov 23, 2005
Yes, this is a new thread for a previous topic, but I was still bothered by the security methods and this is a post in hopes that MA will do something...

I decided to sit at TI North and see if I, a non pilot, noob, could get folks to go on a trip with me... I ran these two folks to a public hangar (03 owned by Constantine) and they were ready to hand over 20 PED each.

I DID NOT do the trade with them and DID NOT Scam them, but we did have a long talk afterwards about the dangers of the flights and how you needed to be careful...

I think my next mission will be to sit at TI North and monitor to see if I spot scammers and then just alert the folks who may be being scammed. This I feal will be a better service than the way i did it a few minutes ago..

PLEASE MA, Do something formal with the flight tickets!!!!!!!!!

Real pilots are VERY honest... I've used two different ones now and they've been great. Constantine that owns this hangar is a GOOD person... Have confidence in the owners of the hangars! But be CAREFUL to see that you are dealing with the owners/pilots until MA does something about this.


It's a fair point and an easy scam to try to run. I don't think it'll be particularly successful though as its not too hard to spot who is scamming. I was at TI on the opening day and someone tried it with me for 30 ped. The avatar was orange and refused to take me to the hangar first - pretty obvious.

Most owners of ships will be pretty established in the game so are likely to be wearing some decent gear/clothes and belong to an established soc. Failing that you can check the estate deed outside the hangar too.
True True Jimmy.

Seeing you cannot see my Av in the pic, I will tell you that I was in orange and wearing pixie mask.harness and thigh... No arms, no gloves, no shins, so I think i looked like a noob...Though I did speak confidently...but then that is the root of conman or conwoman...
Until MA do sort it out, maybe we could have a list of trusted pilots?

Ill start it off i have used Atami Kingola (Atami Airlines) twice now and both times had a great flight :)

Thnx Elroy ;)

On Second Thoughts Im gonna start a thread for this :)
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Good point Rajina, +rep for you.

I'd also like to add one more thing to this situation. I myself haven't been to the Space Resort yet, but given that you use the same spaceships to reach both the Space Resort AND the Crystal Palace Space Station I don't imagine you as a passenger would see ANYTHING different in the beginning before the ship launches (When it's too late to do anything about it) be SURE the Pilot is actually bringing you to the Space Resort and NOT the Space STATION.

I believe, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but it costs more to get a ride to the Space Resort then the Space Station so there is an obvious potential here to get scammed for the extra trip fare and end up at the wrong place.

Just a heads-up.
When I fly passengers up to space I get them to pay me once they are on the ship, just before we take off. That way they know that I'm legit and they are on the guest list.

Trakkur said:
Good point Rajina, +rep for you.

I'd also like to add one more thing to this situation. I myself haven't been to the Space Resort yet, but given that you use the same spaceships to reach both the Space Resort AND the Crystal Palace Space Station I don't imagine you as a passenger would see ANYTHING different in the beginning before the ship launches (When it's too late to do anything about it) be SURE the Pilot is actually bringing you to the Space Resort and NOT the Space STATION.

I believe, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but it costs more to get a ride to the Space Resort then the Space Station so there is an obvious potential here to get scammed for the extra trip fare and end up at the wrong place.

Just a heads-up.

It's costs approximately 35ped one way to fly to Neverdie, depending on oil costs. If I'm making a flight to Neverdie and hit CS by mistake, then that's my loss. But, I'm only speaking for myself and Black Pearl Space Travel.

That wasnt very nice of you... bothering ppl like that taking their time!
Sure they will proably be more carefull nxt time but if I was one of them I would be pretty pissed...
Yes, Cindy it wasn't really nice... I did take their time.. I recognize this, but wanted to see how easy it was or if I was just mistaken.

I apologized to both of them and though they were disappointed they both said something to the effect of ty for pointing out the prob.

I'm more concerned with the folks I know have done this, but taken the money and run. Tis why i will now stake myself out at the NE tp on TI and simply let all know what to watch for.

If either of them would post a reply and their thought, I'd entertain additional apologies if requested.
Does anyone know if there are any weight restrictions for passengers? Is it OK to have your inventory showing red?

valiant said:
Does anyone know if there are any weight restrictions for passengers? Is it OK to have your inventory showing red?


Well I am planning to loose weight in the new year hope the Clue Neverdie bouncers take that as an excuse?...

"not tonight you're not on the list...." (UK Old School hardcore rave quote...)

I blame my dancing, they just don't want my sort up there in space. Stop me at the passenger booking in...

The twins that took me up to the resort are the Ripture twins great ppl and a very good service, they have all there details at realityprt and I imagine hear somewhere as well, (ive seen the Ripper pst here before :) ) They own a hanger at TI north youl know it when you enter they have it spelled out in force nexus on the floor :D

make sure all pilots take you too hanger first make sur piot is there check deeed at the hanger. and hang all scammers in real life.at the least tar ann feathere them out of there rl homes and or send the sob to jail. no get of out card. there crooks the lowest life form on earth :tongue2:

rotten ice said:
The twins that took me up to the resort are the Ripture twins great ppl and a very good service, they have all there details at realityprt and I imagine hear somewhere as well, (ive seen the Ripper pst here before :) ) They own a hanger at TI north youl know it when you enter they have it spelled out in force nexus on the floor :D
ripper rocks :wise: