Info: From n00b to n00b


Sep 12, 2016
Well playing the game about a month ....and decide to share my opinion.Its not meant to say"how" or "the best" way of playing it,its about summarize outcome...for me.
1st ECO -is more perception rather than actual statement in game.The only actual ECO is sweating and fruit walking.Everything else have a way or another, or as the most player in game says" There is no such thing as free lunch " in Entropia.Gonna craft,mining or hunting...its takes a resources,and those resources aint come without of price,ether as weapon decay/repair,buying probes and getting to a mining locations or crafting and gathering resources for crafts.
2nd- 101 for n00bs-get to guild/society and an mentor.That would make your life easy in long therm.Dont beg,noone likes beggars.Mentor program have a fancy stuff which would come a handy once finish it.
3- Try to combine as much as you can mission at same time.For instance Iron challenge 1+ CDF outpost Alpha/Beta etc.In this case with approximately same amount of ammo will get 2-3 rewards.
4 -Maybe the most important thing in it should pack up with a patience,its not a jump on it make a crazy amount of stack and sale it.Its take a time.Sweating,fruit walking,loot stacking ,radio listening ,everything will come back with results...just not at short therm like daily basis.But if you manage to hold for 2 week or month,then will see the results. Do you math carefully before you sell something to someone.If its suits you,go for it.Otherwise just hold it and by time someone will pop up with a fair offer.There is many,way to many ppl in which will try to get your stuff at same price which is in TT.Wouldn't call them a scammers ,but will call them a ignore list participants.For a month in game already had about 15 of those in my ignore list.....examples are a lad who try to give me a 350 sweat for a 2 ped item.....well done mate its make you a really beloved person that kind of behavior...carry on :D.If you get out of pocket money..exchanging is your best friend...items for items.Just do your math right.
5- if you can get some starter pack when you just hop in it!Spending a 5-10 or 15 quids wouldnt hurt that much IRL....but if you intent to stay around in game for while will be a decent boost.
6- If you end up at outpost and cant get your arse of there Calypso Rescue Team is your best friend.Give those lads appreciation when you can.They do that because they can and everyone include my self own them at least admiration for doing it.Hail the Calypso Rescue Team!!!!
As summarizing basics....the game aint make you a rich, but eventually with a bit luck it might come a few extra pocket money after long therm.So the idea of having this game to cover your IRL expenses...utopia.Be in game just for game ...real statement.Iv'been heard a millions of examples how the player X done a amount X and so on on and on......yeah but none says how much actually this lads spend before make those X amount isn it?
So pack up with nervs of steal,try to keep your head above the water, read a lot and have fun.Entropia Universe is limitless in fact of opportunity's for doing that,which way will get ...its up to you.
Let the loot be with you