Selling: Full TT Korss H400 (L) Modified


Jul 2, 2008
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Chitina MissChitina Csarder
SOLD - Sellin Full TT (5430PED) Korss H400 (L) Modified

This modified version inflicted more burn and penetration damage, than the normal korss h400 L, also a very good gun for tier up.

special item trade+ped or offers is also possible :)

korss h400+a104 @ 110%=2.919dmg/pec and 33.431 dps
korss h400 mod+a104 @ 120%=2.924dmg/pec and 36.708 dps - here you can compare weapons :)

Info on the Modified korss H400 (L) can be found here :

Look here for comparing with other Korss H400 (L):

wanna know more feel free to ask :)

can be contacted here on forum or in game trough the society SynerGen :yay:
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Bump for a great gal!
Gr8 loot, GL on the sale!
wow max TT = 5430.00 PED :eyecrazy:
Good luck with your sale!
Imo your 125% is to high for my liking, otherwise I can recommend the exact same gun which has been sitting in a shop for ages at a lower mu, but I cant recall. If you had a % of 104% - 124%, you'd have more interest from me personally, you can still make a decent amount from your sale. You want top peds for your item, ofc nps there. So GL, I for one will not bid/buy on this gun, even if it has modified written in the name.
Imo your 125% is to high for my liking, otherwise I can recommend the exact same gun which has been sitting in a shop for ages at a lower mu, but I cant recall. If you had a % of 104% - 124%, you'd have more interest from me personally, you can still make a decent amount from your sale. You want top peds for your item, ofc nps there. So GL, I for one will not bid/buy on this gun, even if it has modified written in the name.

You are more than welcome to make an offer ;) but me selling the gun for 104% will never happen :eyecrazy: