Achievement: Getting familiar with robots, first Spaceship


Jan 28, 2008
Global Alliance, GA
Avatar Name
Iample Irea Rederwough
For months I had read horror stories of people who have lost their spaceship. Either being killed by a robot, or someone else stealing it. Of people who have noticed after getting a strange signal, that they don't have armor, and when they arm themselves, they lost the signal. Every time I have went mining during these months, I have put my armor on, just to be sure.

Yesterday, it happened. I was mining casually and suddenly my finder flashes red arrow, not green as usual. I read the text "A strange signal is picked up...", "Sorry, what?" "A strange signal is picked up..." "Oh my God!"

I look at the range, it says 160m, "That's good" I thought, as I can get fast to it. My pulse gets faster as I start running towards it. I look at my map which shows red dots. I get closer and spot 3 Drone Gen 01, behind them.... yep.... there it is. At this point my pulse was sky high. I drag my Riker UL2, which, thank god, has around 68m range so I can tag them one by one. I get closer and kill the first one... the second one.... the third one! I made it!! I walk towards the highlight of my mining career so far, and look at it. It looks really cool.

I found the red button I have heard so many people talking about. I press it...

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I see there's no beacon, but "Who cares?" I think, it was amazing. Good timing without autocapture btw :D

Maybe 20 minutes before this, I got 50 ped crude oil global, which was my fourth mining global ever (Still waiting that damned solo hunting global...), but I didn't take picture of it. Here's anyway my FIRST EVER mining global

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Right after the spaceship I got 2 Zinc IX righ after another, and before the global I got 99 Health. It seems like MA really blessed me that night. Thank you! :)

Rep+ mostly appreciated ;)
Gratz, it looks like you are having a good day!! :yay:
Nice one gratz and nice story too :D

Oh, and a pleasure to meet you ;)
Nice story, no go mine, many space ships need you hehe
Congratulations Irea! Your ol' mentor has yet to find his first spaceship ;)
The crazy run just keeps on going! Yesterday I hit XII Zinc which was around 47 ped tt. What's happening here? :D

Oh and by the way, you might notice from the pictures, that I really got my first global almost in the exact spot as my first spaceship. Honestly it's maybe 500m from it :eek:
Grats on the spaceship Irea you have as many as me now :D
nice one knucklehead :)

Gratz :) at first i thought... great he'll finally stop going on in chat about never finding anything :) then he came in soc :) now he's going on and on about finding something :)) gratz irea you crack me up and im glad you got a spaceship :)

was there shakies :)) +rep for it
grats! to bad you didnt get a beacon!
conGRATZtulations :D

How I know what u fell like :D