Guide to Practical Living In EU


May 15, 2008
Wilddaemons Reloaded
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Assura Azira Vonnegut
Included here are things that you should know before you just scamper off into the bush of EU. Alot of these things your mentors may or may not tell you. Some of these things just dont come up until it is too late , or way past the time that you needed to know them.

I will break them out into paragraph form, adn will add more as I remember, and as I learn more.

1. Skill Increase Bonus (SIB) items

SIB items are weapons and tools etc. that give you additional skills over what you would earn during normal use. Take advantage of these wherever possible , the amount of skill you will get from them will prove extremely useful later on. However , as you make progress with your tools or weapons , do not move on to the next one until you have, or almost have max'd your ability on the next item or weapon in your progression. This comes down to efficiency. For instance , you have max'd out the Breer M3 , and you are dieing to move on to the M4 so that you can solo those pasky Argo Hunters that have been picking on you ; look at your "Hit / Crit" ability on the M4 before you move on. You should be close to 10/10 on your next weapon of choice. Otherwise you will only expend more ammo than necessary to dispatch that Argo, becasue you wont be hitting him as often. So , your damage per hit is greater , but your overall damage may bethe same as before because you are missing ALOT ! The same applies to FAP's , Vivo's and Ore and Enmat finders. You may be able to use the next level up , but should you?

2. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should !

Now this is a biggie ! Because you will save a ton of frustration , and peds, by adhereing to this rule. We all want to be better than what we currently are , at least I hope. And you will get there! But , just because you CAN go head to head with an Allophy, does not necessarily mean you should. What I mean here is this ; You have become efficient with Breer M4 and you've saved up and bought yourself some really good armor. Great ! Now what ? If you run out and take on that Alllophy ( insert mob of your choice) you will spend a ton of time in front of that mob , pump minutes of ammo into him , and FAP like a mad man ( or woman). All the while , your armor is taking a severe beating. Then you finally manage to kill the mob , and you get 450 animal hides , 10 animal oil residue, and 15 eye oil. Great! Right? Wrong! Say all that loot adds up to 5.6 ped ... you have spent 4 ped in ammo , 2 ped in armor decay , and maybe a ped in FAP decay. You just lost 1.4 ped , that you're not gettin back. Im not saying to never move on to hard mobs, but I am saying do not hunt above your level. Challenge yourself, but dont choke yourself. Move on slowly , and smartly.
Now this next example , I learned the hard way! I maxed out an Isis LR48 , and was about 9/10 hit/crit ability on the Isis LR53 , so I though WOOT ! "I can go kill some bigger boys now" BAD IDEA:mad: I killed bigger mobs , sure , and I was having a great time doing it. I smoked everything I shot at. My runs looked like they were profitable. So I put larger amounts into ammo , because the rifle sure did like to eat it. I was hunting bigger stuff for longer , and then suddenly ..... CLICK ! "The item you are trying to use is damaged" Now LR53's aint cheap , and I had burned all my ped in ammo. I didnt have anything to shoot. The lesson I learned was about "DECAY RATES". The LR53 does more damage per shot /pec , but it also decays faster than the LR48. The LR48 would have done the same job for me , and would have lasted longer , but my ego got in the way of my brain. I didnt gain anything. I spent almost as much time in front of the mob, so armor decay was minimally less. I had to fap as much as before, so that was no less to repair. All I had was a bigger gun , that didnt work , and no ped to replace it with.

3. Smart Armor Useage

The basic idea of this paragraph is that "the best armor is no armor". Sounds stupid right ? I'll 'splain this and hopefully it makes sense. Everyone want's better equipment , it's human nature. But with "better" armor comes more expenses. Now , with the increase in (L) armor useage this idea has changed a little, but the basic premis is the same. So you've gotten a nice global or even a HOF and now you can afford that armor you've been wanting. What now? You go ahead and buy it , put it on , and now you're stylin ! So you head out to hunt some new , and bigger mobs 'cause now youve got some protection. You take your new rifle , your new armor , and blow the last of your ped on ammo. But then you get the repair bill !!! What do you mean 25 ped to fully repair ?:scratch2: So the lesson here is that dont buy or use more protection than you need. If you do have good armor, save it for the things that it will really prove useful on. Some of the most eco armor in the game is Pixie , and Shogun , so if you have it, hang on to it. Take that old Pixie, or Shogun , and plate it up. You can change it around so many ways that it will work for alot of occassions. And as your health increases try some of your easier mobs w/o armor. It will save you in the long run.

4. Keep the change!

When hunting you will loot all sorts of things that have values of less than 1 ped. These things really present no benefit in actual replensihment of supplies. For instance , you will loot alot of extractors in your career , some of which have a pretty nice mark up. But since the value of an individual extractor is only 1 PEC , it would only get you 1 round of ammo. My suggestion would be to take all of these things , and put them in storage instead of feeding them back to the TT. Over the course of time they will amass into something that has real value to you. A type of savings account! So you have managed to save up 2000 Basic Stone Extractors , now you have 20 ped worth of something that you would have otherwise fed to the TT and received no real benefit from them. Now the magic starts! That 20 ped worth of extractors has mark up value. It may be 4% or some of them have markup of 750% ! So lets figure a conservative numer of 10% (becasue it's easy to fugure in my head :laugh:) that 20 on the auction is going to be worth 22 ped. Subtract out your auction fees , and you will have made about 1.5 ped for doing nothing. :yay: Now you do this consistently over the course of your EU life and you could feasibly make 1000 ped by just saving extractors !:wise:

Other things that you will want to consider putting into your storage are :

a. Wool ( all types)
b. Hides ( all types)
c. Explosive projectiles
d. Fruit , Stones , and Poop
e. Extractors ( all types)

Now obviously , you have to TT somethings in order to be able to operate, but consider saving as much as you can afford. I have recently fallen on an extremely long period of bad luck , and could not have survived without dipping into these saved items. I have been able to pull together almost 1000ped out of storage of these types of items.

Once you have progressed a little further into the game , and have become financially stable there are other items that have a larger TT value that you may want to store. These prove handy for personal use , TT value, and perhaps to help your mates out with. These include, but are not limited to the following items :

a. Entry level armors ( Pixie , Shogun etc)
b. Entry level FAPS ( FAP 5 , 18 , and even 35)
c. Lesser TP chips
d. Entry Level Weapons ( CB5 , Rikers and such)

5. Gold Card !

Once you have gotten yourself started , and you are thoroughly addicted , it will become imperative that you get a GOLD CARD. If you are going to continue to play the game, this is a must. This game really does have a cash economy , and people will go to extreme lengths to acquire your information, so that they can cash out your account. The gold card will help to prevent this from happening. Search these forums and read some of the horror stories of people that have had their accounts hacked , and lost all of their hard earned posessions in an instant. :( Some of these guys even had socmates that were watching it happen , and could not do anything about it.
And trust me , if you dont have the gold card MA will not help you. Sure it costs 200 ped , but thats a small price to pay for security ! GOLD CARD --- GET ONE !

To Be Continued....

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Useful info and tips for beginners!
I agree with what OP is saying here.

-If you've maxed any tool/weapon in the game, DO NOT jump immediately to the next one. As was stated, you're more effecient with the one you maxed than the one you need to max. I found using the next gun up after maxing the first one was doing less TOTAL damage than my maxed gun. I wasted the decay on a higher MU gun, and it cost more ammo/armor and fap decay to kill the mob.

-Just because you can kill a larger mob, don't. I agree. You're using a lot more in fap/armor/weapon decay plus ammo to drop a larger mob that "potentially" has better loot, but it's rare. I've hunted trox prowlers/stalkers and had similar return like young/mature (even they have no loots). This is because it takes more to kill, and the decay. However, I did loot nice MU armor that I've never gotten on young/mature. Eventually your evade will go up, and you'll notice that "medium" mobs hit you much less than they used to.

-The armor issue I agree to a certain extent. There are many different armors for different mobs, so adapting your armor for specific mobs should be considered (exampe: ghost for allos instead of gremlin).

Great post by OP...Plus Rep.
These are some good points - I have learned a lot of this from my SOC so I might add a suggestion: If you find someone you like to hunt/craft/mine with, see if their Society fits your play style & personality and try joining. There is a lot to learn from the vast amounts of experience in a good SOC.

Great info OP - Thanx
2. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should !

Lots of good advice here, but if you take just one thing from if this post, let it be this.


2. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should !

3. Smart Armor Useage


Hi, You put together a nice guide.. the 2 things I quoted are key.. especially number 2! +rep
Good guide,
maybe include a little bit about swunting?

Oh, and something that loses me a lot of ammo at the beginning:

If there's a hill between you and the mob, there's no point shooting.
And shooting something close to a turret is a bad idea.
After an almost 18 month hiatus from the game , I finally got back in. And after a month of playing about 12 hours a day and 6 or 7 days a week , I have to say that most of this still applies. Even after all the vu's amd new equipment , the basics have stayed the same.