Hard working weekend


Jul 16, 2005
Alberta, Canada
Well it's not so much a question. but as to how the weekend went mining, I just started mining about 1 week ago , first time out dropped a probe outside troy and got 65 ped oil. this weekend thouht I'd go hard and dropped 650 ped of probes and bombs, covered a lot of area LOL, most were small deposits, a couple ample, At the end of the run I TT'd the junk like oil and lyst, and auctioned off the good stuff, (kanerium). and got 725 ped it was a lot of work about 16 hours worth , and I think was a decent return. As for some insightful tips cover as much ground as you can, run 10 sec drop a probe or bomb, if you get nothing for 5 bombs or probes in a row take off to another area, and beginners don't mine in Atrox nieghbourhoods lol
Nijo said:
Well it's not so much a question. but as to how the weekend went mining, I just started mining about 1 week ago , first time out dropped a probe outside troy and got 65 ped oil. this weekend thouht I'd go hard and dropped 650 ped of probes and bombs, covered a lot of area LOL, most were small deposits, a couple ample, At the end of the run I TT'd the junk like oil and lyst, and auctioned off the good stuff, (kanerium). and got 725 ped it was a lot of work about 16 hours worth , and I think was a decent return. As for some insightful tips cover as much ground as you can, run 10 sec drop a probe or bomb, if you get nothing for 5 bombs or probes in a row take off to another area, and beginners don't mine in Atrox nieghbourhoods lol

Yeah, covering lots of area during a mining run is important...but DON'T use the 10sec rule...instead plot you position using the X/Y position on the map..it's far more accurate..since if you're overloaded with loot or gear you run FAR slower. 10 secs to a heavily weighted avatar isn't the same as a super light avatar.

Just an FYI.
10 seconds running was 100 meters a couple vus ago... now you want to run about 20 seconds. bombs have a 50 meter radius, so you want 100 meters from your rod... you can test this by using the range finder on your ore/enmatter finder...

dont tt the 'junk'!!! lyst is still going for 120%, oil 110% ish... throw it on auction!!!

congrats on your good run, ive been doing good too, testing new areas since old areas seem nerfed...
650 peds, that's a lot of mining. :)
725 ped return is pretty ok if you have low skills.

My advice to you is to never tt anything. Instead, try to store the unsellable stuff (unless you are in need of cash, but it doesn't seem that way... :)) and wait for the prices to go up. Or sell it cheap. Just don't tt it... :wise:

And about the seconds. The orefinders have a radius at about 45-50 meters. When you find a deposit you can test how long it takes you to run that far, then you will have a more exact measurement of how many seconds to run. And if you keep the loot window open (put it under the chat or something), your weight wont change as you mine and you will run at about the same speed all the time.