Help me finish the Eudoria map

i was bored...

so i went to all the teleporters.. or outposts WITH teleporters :p
made screenie, with small map and coords, of all of them.

if u wanna see... check the link.

Sammy's TP Screenies vu10.0

ow, and no, im not hyjacking this thread ;)

GL peeps!
Here's one more for you : an Unregistered Outpost north of the crater.

62036, 85451
awesome man!

my favorite VU10 map
Here's one more for you : an Unregistered Outpost north of the crater.

62036, 85451

I will post my newest found Unregistered Outpost underneath this one, I saw it's not yet on your map.

The new one is roughtly between the one I posted above, and Corinth.

62138, 87249
And another Unregistered outpost : SW of Zeus this time

83531, 93362
And here's another Unregistered Outpost that's not yet on your map :
SSW of Aegis Mound this time.

73278, 83588

One more Unregistered Outpost on my run today : SE of Atlas, NNE of Limnadian.

72430, 81290
thanx for all the outpost, will add them to my map once I get AutoCAD running again.
bump :p for a good bodyguard crafter :yay:
Thanks for the (ongoing) work Razer :)

Question : you are using a coordinate system in your grid that starts at (0,0) in the lower left corner for Eudoria. The game itself works off the "large" map that includes also Amethera --> the origin point of Eudoria is at a higher X-Y position.

If we take the Limnadian NNE outpost as an example, that's in-game at around P(72000, 81000), and on your grid it's more like (15000,16000)

Would it also be possible to make a version that shows the in-game coordinates in the grid ?
as far as I know I use the ingame coord system, I input the coords I get when I press P in game. And I just seen that the grid is not OK, will change it for the next version. Thanx for getting that to my attention.
updated the grid, so it now displays the right coords.