Info: Hidden Achievements Thread

I went and talked to the prophet again but cant seem to get these 2 too activate?

Mammon* - Demand more from the Prophet on completion of the mission "The Opening of the Gates"
Atoned* - Complete the Prophet's atonement mission (can only be activated as above)

did I do something wrong upon completing the mission originally?
I went and talked to the prophet again but cant seem to get these 2 too activate?

Mammon* - Demand more from the Prophet on completion of the mission "The Opening of the Gates"
Atoned* - Complete the Prophet's atonement mission (can only be activated as above)

did I do something wrong upon completing the mission originally?

When you did the original prophet missions you probably didn't get Atonement, as it's dependent on how you handle the dialogue and there's no way to back to it.

So unless there is another way to complete these achievements, it looks like those of us who weren't rude to the prophet miss out.
[...] miss out.

That is only bad for something that is useful. :evilking:

I just wish they would lower the costs to play to the costs to those MMOs those achievement bs comes from. I mean, if they apply such cheap shit, they can make the game cheaper as well, no? :scratch2:

On the other if they would really take on those cheap free MMOs, we would have better grafix and more effects and taming and pets and -different- armors and and and.... which just shows they don't even copy good enough, lol :evilking:.

So cheer up, it doesn't matter you missed out :)

i got to more in boat distances

50k mariner

yarr! 50 gone to Davy Jones´s locker

100k Sea dog

harr! 100 gone to Davy Jones´s locker
just found another for flying 100km

Airborne, youve just earned your dove wings

and thanks Oleg for answering my question :)
Do you have to be the driver to get the vehicle travel ones, or can you be a passenger?
I received 'Skyhopper - you have earned Duck wings' as a passenger - wasnt a 10k ride. But havent received Up. Is Up based on height or do i need to pilot the vehicle? I'll try again.
ABSOLUTELY useless; however I am glad (and surprised) to see that some people are spending time on this.
Have fun! :rolleyes:
ABSOLUTELY useless; however I am glad (and surprised) to see that some people are spending time on this.
Have fun! :rolleyes:

I agree. Just another shiny to distract most from mission features :scratch2: but if it makes some people happy guess it does its job.
Wait, you did all of the achievements? Ran and swam and flew and sailed and drove and jumped from heights and visited a lot of teleporters ? Despite the fact that this adds no value ? And you did not think about how much time doing this would have needed from a newbie or that this is a very nice way of achieving things without for the most part needing to deposit?

The list of people who have posted about completing these, especially Bronze, disagrees with you.

I found I was wrong I do not have them all..I have 66% I only managed to open the ones I already unlocked. The hunting ones I will probably never have specially the migratory ones. But I still hold to my question as to why important and expensive programming time was wasted on this crap when there is soo much in game that could have benefitd from this time and money.
But I still hold to my question as to why important and expensive programming time was wasted on this crap when there is soo much in game that could have benefitd from this time and money.

Post of the day winner, right here.

medic and up are bugged. but you don't need medic for willing to learn. never mind i did just get up, and its was gotten while i was going up. but medic is still bugged and ive talked to the medical lady a ton.
medic and up are bugged. but you don't need medic for willing to learn. never mind i did just get up, and its was gotten while i was going up. but medic is still bugged and ive talked to the medical lady a ton.

It does not necessarily mean the mission is bugged, just the activation for the achievement is not 100% known. The 100% known ahievements are those pictured - the other's I haven't tested my self. For example, from your comments it seems "up" is achieved by flying upwards for 1km, rather than flying in any direction
I found I was wrong I do not have them all..I have 66% I only managed to open the ones I already unlocked. The hunting ones I will probably never have specially the migratory ones. But I still hold to my question as to why important and expensive programming time was wasted on this crap when there is soo much in game that could have benefitd from this time and money.

This is off topic but - then whoever ordered or sponsored the development from MA side must have considered it more important than the missing ones or it is one of the things they promised to develop for one of the planet partners. Quite possibly both.

We don't know how big the actual effort to implement this was, or why the 11.7 release is quite that low on new features. We might know more if there is a small but feature rich 11.7.x or if 11.8 comes very soon. The feature set on its own does not seem to warrant the version number.
ok... I'm bored of achievements now.... After achieveing ashphat pizza, there is nothing else interesting to do.... Whats next? Maybe they can add sky diving achievement, or did they already? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........
ok... I'm bored of achievements now.... After achieveing ashphat pizza, there is nothing else interesting to do.... Whats next? Maybe they can add sky diving achievement, or did they already? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........
Sadly they cant, at least not x m deep as the "deepest" you can go is down to 0m as the surface is located 98m up :/

was so much more fun back when you could dive -500m or more :(
Sadly they cant, at least not x m deep as the "deepest" you can go is down to 0m as the surface is located 98m up :/

was so much more fun back when you could dive -500m or more :(

You lie.

I have been down to -25km, but I got bored :)
You lie.

I have been down to -25km, but I got bored :)
Show me where in normal game play not one of those bugs where you end up underground
I been down around TI, outside PA, Corinth, Troy, Sakura, Cayuze, Memorial, NE Switzerland same everywhere (even north of the landmass north of TI was a bit of water to dive in also 0m at the bottom)
Show me where in normal game play not one of those bugs where you end up underground
I been down around TI, outside PA, Corinth, Troy, Sakura, Cayuze, Memorial, NE Switzerland same everywhere (even north of the landmass north of TI was a bit of water to dive in also 0m at the bottom)

Well obviously -25000 meters isn't possible without a bug :smoke:

But there are a few where you can get under 0m, usually they look like holes in the ground but actually are water... couple of them if you swim down you will "fall" through the water and be on the floor, under sea level..

It exists, I did it without dropping like a brick for 50 times though. Won't spoil anything about how many bricks that was used, you should go and figure that out yourself ;)
I counted 25 times as well for the Icarus. definately didn't die 50 times.
So, Icarus = 25 :)