How can i improve skills? ways methods?


Oct 19, 2007
London, UK
Avatar Name
The Crouching Tiger

i was wondering how can i improve my all round skills agility weapons shooting handeling and all others. apart from shooting and running and medicating is there a way like chips and stuff please if someone could advise thanks.
hey, you carnt skill agility thats only from shooting everything in sight, however u can skill chip everything else so u can kill everything easier but chipping up is very exspensive, have a look on this forum and this is a good tool chip optimizerskill implants can be found here on EF or on the auctions u will have to get a tool to implant them from the TT...well Gl
Best way i think

Best way i think is to chip evade and buy a pixie+5a plates and start shooting at tantillons, mobs..then u get lot of agility points..or use honor,axe to get streanght(lots of hp also)curage..
Fap gives u intellegence, so use low armor tho get alot of hitpoints on u...

If u are a mid-level hunter: best place is CP..dome 1-2 get mobs on u and fap and shoot..

BUT as gunoil said no way u can chip up, agilty,streanght and thoose stuff.
only way is to be a hardcore hunter.
so what do i need to chip evade can you explain the things i need to buy in a list please thanks

as i have a determination and a justifier mk1 and riker ul1 and opalo


I need to know your skills first...the weopen u have is starter guns..
not the longblade ofc..
You need to get busy to achive this...takes hours of your having fun but if u up to it i will help u..
I can be the Hidden
just m8
send me a pm and tell me your skills and i will help u in that i can..
okay im nearly maxed out on my appolomate solo around 9.5 and 9.7 skill is 400 mark
yeah, IMO

you would be best off (if you want an unlimited weapon, the jester d2)
but if i were you, i would go (L) that way you ALWAYS have a 10/10 HA, and get one so you can have a SIB(skill increase bonus)....also do not forget about scopes/laser sights/amp these will help you alot
SIB weapons - including ur opollo will always raise ur skills faster than others.
They are easy to identify because almost all of them are (L) - meaning they cannot be repaired.
If ur 9.5 and 9.7 with the TT gun then it means ur nearly maxed - and when that happens u won't be able to get anymore SIB (Skill Increase Bonus) from it. At that point u need to start looking at the Breer series of rifles.

Check the information page of ur the moment u'r opollo will say "Yes" in both the Skill Increase Bonus sections. When it is maxed it will say "Not anymore." Thats when u need to move on.

Keep the Riker for later - Just now u'll see it says "Not Yet" in the skill increase bonus section - this means u cannot use it effectively yet, nor can u get any bonus while using would be a bad idea to take it out until u are good enough to use it properly.
Choose a profession, then have a look at the skills vs professions sticky.

Chipping is not a bad thing...but you will find that some things can help many professions when you chip just that one skill ...anatomy is a decent example.

Personal opinion here.....chipping leaves you unbalanced if you don't know exactly what you are doing.

Personal experience here...chipping early wastes the very best time when skills slow fast and cheaply, the more skills you have the less effect chipping will have or the more it will cost to improve.

Search for jdegre user name or stryker or Jimmy B knows the maths of skills exceptionally well, the other the practicality of skilling without chips, all wise on the subject.

Search and stickie are your best buddy :)

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what's your budget btw

chipping for 10 ped won't make any sense. also, you should skill naturally now since skills come kinda fast. save peds for chips later on when skills come slow.
always use the L weapon close to your skill , where both hit and dmg still have YES on SIB. Stay on the path youve chosen ( blp rifle , laser rifle , laser hg , blp hg and so on.... )

The the key is to hunt , hunt , hunt , hunt , hunt , hunt , hunt , hunt , hunt.......

you get the idea i guess :)

I hunted my way up to level 17 laser rifle and dmg in 4-5 months , with L weapons mostly.

Then i chipped out all skills and left ... but as one can see i came back :)

So now im out there skilling hunting again with a cb5 so far, soon switching to the GeoTrek LP120 Niloticus (L) ..

Happy hunting and be patient !


Another option to grow skills fast is buying a fast weapon and forget on the L stuff.
I myself bought a VAT110 (blp weapon) one and a half month ago when i was at 0 blp skills and just 500 in rifle.
Today after ~60 hours of hunting (including runs, selling and repairing) i have wasted around 800k ammo with a loss of ~2.7k PED (after decay) but gained alot of skills.
Im at lvl21 blp sniper now hunting atrox young-dominant.

L weapons at low levels might have been more economical but i dont think they would have been faster considering i have 67 chances for skill increases with the VAT110 per minute.

PS: I raised my AGI from 22 to 45 in this timeframe.
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Hi i was on my way to fort argus from chimera on my own i made it after dying once by the time i got to argus i had completely maxed out my opallo 10.0 and 10.0 when i arrived at argus a guy was waiting for me there and said he will craft me a breer m1a for tt price and gave me a jester d2 free so that was a good start also noticed im maxed out on my apallo but with an amp A101 takes down snable snots with 2 shots where as before with an amp i had to make atleast 6 or 7 shots so its working good im doing minor hunts with m apallo and breer for now to skill up breer is at 8.7 something so not long to go i managed to kick some argonaut ass on the way to fort argus with my justifier mk2.

Sticking with the basic guns and skilling up and not chipping working hard for skills has its rewards and good feeling like i did last night so im sticking to it. I noticed one thing the breer m1a is slow yet does more damage was wondering what can i have as a laser weapon thats fast as the apallo and does same damage as m1a

Thanks fellas
Hi i was on my way to fort argus from chimera on my own i made it after dying once by the time i got to argus i had completely maxed out my opallo 10.0 and 10.0 when i arrived at argus a guy was waiting for me there and said he will craft me a breer m1a for tt price and gave me a jester d2 free so that was a good start also noticed im maxed out on my apallo but with an amp A101 takes down snable snots with 2 shots where as before with an amp i had to make atleast 6 or 7 shots so its working good im doing minor hunts with m apallo and breer for now to skill up breer is at 8.7 something so not long to go i managed to kick some argonaut ass on the way to fort argus with my justifier mk2.

Sticking with the basic guns and skilling up and not chipping working hard for skills has its rewards and good feeling like i did last night so im sticking to it. I noticed one thing the breer m1a is slow yet does more damage was wondering what can i have as a laser weapon thats fast as the apallo and does same damage as m1a

Thanks fellas

Ucash laser rifle har similar stats as the opalo but damage similar to breer m1a

// ermik