How i value my avatar


Mar 7, 2021
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Marco Killy Stur
I start with a statement: I trust the algorythm, so i totally disregard the TT returns,
dont use any tracker and i focus on MU extraction against MU consumption
accepting that skill based my return will be between 96 adn 98.5% with an average of 97.5%
So i got a clear idea that (Full UL) i BURN 2500 ped of gaming cost every 100k of decay
anhd that accounts for 6.500 ped per month on my 250.000 ped modest cycle
so i try to extract 6.501 ped of MU each month to stay Afloat.

I want to know HOW MUCH IS MY AVATAR WORTH compare to HOW MUCH I SPENT (to reach this value).

The first calculation is How much i put in game (easy: 120.148 Ped (i paid in Eur or USD so i prefer to calculate all balance in PED)
Then i deduct the withdrawals and the credits toward players (3.250 PED) with a total liquidity put in the game of rounded 117.000 Ped

then i add all the items from report at TT Value (it comes off "My Items" in website as 12.784 ped adding a bulk 10% MU for stackables that is anyway just 1278 PED (rounded 14.000 ped)

Then i add all the MU on UL that are in my storage including weapons, armors, rings, skilled blueprints and all that is the "best effort mark to market of items i own" (rounded 90.000 ped)

Then i add TT Value of manufactured skills (about 1% of my decay from green lines and another 0.5% from codex reward) that from entropiawiki site is now about 23.000 Ped TT (360.213 skill points)

This leads me to have a total avatar value of 130.000 PED with skills calculated at TT value against a 120.000 PED purchased from MA.

Numbers cannot be discussed, the next statemetns are:

1. I made 10.000 Ped Profit including TT Value of skills because i consider them as part of my loot pool
2. I suffered a cost of 13.000 Ped to manufacture 360.2113 Skill point if i decide that my skill point must be taken off the equation
3. i made a HUGE potential value of 200.000 Ped in skillset markup if i consider a simple 800% markup on skills (i calculated them on average trade of those that i own at least a 10 ped ESI and latest AH values)

I look at the total value of the avatar only once each month and the most interesting part is to see the skillset increase (about 10k points per month or 5.000 ped TT value currently)

I would like to know your opinion onthis method to account avatar value and if anyone has ever done same exercise what are the numbers.
(i decided not to share the excel sheet because is poorly designed and the results are notning special)
from my entropialife you can see that i never had special returns, the top 7k in atrox was mainly a rebalancing after a large drawdown foing the atrox iron mission on Rocktropia muscle park)
I am aware that everyone values everything differently, but I think how you regard your skills as TT value is a flawed philosophy. Skills by themselves have no TT value. Only Skill implants do, and they get their TT value by converting it from an Empty Skill implant. There is no net gain to the TT value of your account, in fact, there is a 10% loss. And with how hard it seems to sell mainline hunting skills at any real markup above the ESI, chipping loss and auction fees, I think you even struggle to justify that they have markup value.
Skills by themselves have no TT value.
My 23 anatomy skill points off 25 ped codex reward have a different opinion, they feel like being worth 1.08 ped each :)
There is no net gain to the TT value of your account, in fact, there is a 10% loss.
Totally agree considering 0 value the skills, i consider the 13k the cost to manufacture my skillset.
And with how hard it seems to sell mainline hunting skills at any real markup above the ESI, chipping loss and auction fees, I think you even struggle to justify that they have markup value.
I agree on the huntign skill but on crafting, looter, tailoring, and many other that are ok the values are still there and it is like an "inventory valuation" i am sure i could sell some of those. That is why my excel has 3 totals, one that does not consider the SKills, one including skill at TT and one with Skill at MU value (infered by ESI deducted cost of blank chip and corrected by 10% skill loss)

i put you among th ones that consider Skill not part of loot pool return then.
Being the rest very simply sum and multiplications seems that we are already at the central point..
are skill to be counted in how? seems the interesting discussion.

codex is for sure 0.5% of decay, and empirically green skill progress lines are (normal skill not bonus rolls) about 1% of decay to me
I didn't see a single global that you describe... so I'm a bit suspicious of everything you say... :unsure:
TT value of skills and the ESI's as safeguard to 'withdraw' them are imo the genius way of mindark to get around any gambling laws because they 'pay' over 100% if you combine loot return and skill tt return on average while never having to actually pay 100% - leaving enough to make profit for the company.
Update 07 Sept 2022 (Since Inception)
1. TT Values: Skilll = 24.941 PED ; Ped Card - 12.356,50 PED my value of avatar (current MU+ skill minus ped spent to manufacture them) = +12833,91 PED
if i add a 800% value of skills total is 212.112,50 PED

Compard to Mid August
PED + 644
Skill + 2.491 ped value increase
Skill points: (362.399 - 360.211) = 2.188 point increase

Comment: 3.135 PED value increase of avatar,
killed almost naked, mainly chips and EWE EP-38 (70% 58 eff, 30% 77eff) DPP 3.20-3.45)

A mall note on RT test made for a Mate that is about to prepare a YT Series:
made a nice sample of Shy Vixen 5000+ 7000+8000 kills average drop rate of Gears was 26.7% (gears/kill ratio)
On Those my "Entropia Survival Ratio) = 0.075 (MU extracted-mu injected)/cycled ped, equivalent to a constant profit of 7.5% over 20.000 Kills
Update 23 oct 2022 (Since Inception)
i made a trade of 10k ped in a filled LWT chip and implanted so i "lost" 10k "raw chip value" on that

TT Values: Skilll = 26.669 PED ; my value of avatar (current MU+ skill minus ped spent to manufacture them) = -10.920 PED
(YES, i wanted Kill strike and Master so i paid 1k EUR for skills and i dont regret it :) )

if i add my usual 800% skill MU value of skills total is 202.427 Ped, down 9685 from 212.112,50 PED
so i am already getting back some of that implant

Compard to Mid August
PED + 644
Skill + 1728 ped value increase ( 900 ped is implant, rest natural)
Skill points: (370602 - 362.399 ) = 8.203 point increase

Skilled chip Corrosive 9 UL to tier up a soc mate drop (almost T2) and Barb that passed T3 (work stole time to grindfest but mayhem is arriving)
again a survival month but i killed almost only vixens and enh crafting saved the day
what you enjoy is what you enjoy

i like trying to play eco, but i hate the legwork of having to meaningfully track it (spreadsheets and charts and such)

that being said, regarding skill values, i've come to the following conclusion (for my avatar, not for all)

not all skills have the same real value, irrespective of "chip out prices" or TT values

i'll explain:

there is probably no realistic future in which i'm shooting guns that are 1 ped a shot or more over any significant period of time, and possibly not at all. i shoot several thousand shots in a typical serious hunt and there's no way i am going to cycle that much money through in that short a time. it's just not in my budget.

this means that offensive weapon skills have an effective cap in value....once they get to the point where i no longer am going to want to use bigger weapons, all future skill gain on that skill is far less relevant, except in so far as profession level for unlocks are concerned (commando, etc)

but some skills will remain valuable throughout my avatar's lifetime no matter what: all skills that contribute to looter professions, mining resource gatherer professions, all defensive skills.

in other words, skills that are effectively "unlock thresholds" stop having value when you stop caring about unlocking anything higher, whereas skills that have qualitative effects on actions always remain valuable.

this is just how i look at it