How much, in pec, do they eat an hour?

Mar 11, 2015
And do they get hungry if they are sitting in the inventory or only when they are out (summoned)?
It depends on the pet and the tricks you do, but they don't cost you anything while they're in your inventory. If you do nothing with the new pets(much cheaper than the ancients) then you're looking at about 25-30pec per hour at 200%MU on the nutrio. About double that if you do tricks at full focus.
It depends on the pet and the tricks you do, but they don't cost you anything while they're in your inventory. If you do nothing with the new pets(much cheaper than the ancients) then you're looking at about 25-30pec per hour at 200%MU on the nutrio. About double that if you do tricks at full focus.

Out of curiousity, how many nutriobars till lv 7? When doing tricks.