Question: How much will factories cost?


May 20, 2007
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George Ace Skywalker
How much would you be prepared to pay for a factory?

Well i think ill creat a sweat shop ;)
Well guess it will be artound 100 K


depends on how they work, where they are located, and what they do..
I guess that really depends on what the factoey makes and how much it costs to run the factory on a daily, weekly. monthly, and yearly basis. This is a very thought provocing topic. :scratch2:
What factories? What have I missed now? :scratch2:
Factory?! I can`t even afford half the stuff crafters make! SO I guess I`m prepared to pay nothing. Okay I`ll give you 100PED.
depends on how they work, where they are located, and what they do..

I guess that really depends on what the factoey makes and how much it costs to run the factory on a daily, weekly. monthly, and yearly basis. This is a very thought provocing topic. :scratch2:

Say tomm FPC place a few factories in auction. Starting bid of 1 ped. We have no idea what they do or anything, how high would you bid upto given those circumstances.
Can already imagine a RL dialogue:

X:"Gotta go man, I`m late for work"
Y:"wtf, but you just got out from work"
X:"yeh, but I have a second job at this virtual factory you see." :laugh:
im confused. did i miss something? Are there going to be factories? Or is this just a general question? If so.. I cant give an answer....The worth of an item is directly related to the amount of revenue the item can produce..It all depends on the purchasers return on investment. So in conclusion...its worth what its worth :D I'm so helpfull
40 K peds if it autoamtes crafting proceses at level, when i can forbid about seeking low MU resources (auction bot ?), and if vehicles can be made in such factories !!!
40 K peds if it autoamtes crafting proceses at level, when i can forbid about seeking low MU resources (auction bot ?), and if vehicles can be made in such factories !!!

Don` t think they`ll be automatic.

Marco|MindArk: I really like the concept behind the factories and the ability to actually employ other people to work for you. It is really cool. There is no ETA on it yet though. mindhive: Thank you for taking the time to do this. We all appreciate it very much.
Hopefully they make the factory L so the cost never stops and they will have to continue replacing L parts for their -20% tt return.

I would take the price of a personal crafting machine and multiply that by how many items you want to craft at one time. I would make the min for a machine like this 4-6 items at a time. Over 16-20k+ped + decay. Im sure thats low balling, Im pretty sure some one would pay alot for novelty snable dung so....

If the factor only made vehicles though, that would be very expensive indeed.

"SELLING - SIB implementation for your factory machines!"
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give us some jobs...

Here's an idea...

All those business owners that were in the buildings that used to be in Hadeshiem had to go somewhere?...

Bring em back and hire us up FPC! We need re-implementation of the shop that sold clothes at TT prices...and the weapons shop, and the armor shop... and maybe even the stock exchange place... and auction room that actually looked like an auction room irl... BUT DON'T HAVE THEM SELL AT TT... Have them sell slightly above TT... Here's how you'd do it...

Make is so that the NPCs do something, sort of integrated with the quest system... introduce a new weapon/armor type/clothing type at those shops there every vu, and then stop it from being in there the next VU, and replace it with somthing else.... Let those NPC shop owners buy certain components that go in to making those guns at tt+.05 then sell the guns there there at tt+.10... You'd get the .05 for every sale - either dump it in to the loot pool or keep it... Make sure that NOTHING sells out of those shops until enough components are purchased to create each item that will sell there... In other words it'll be an automatic buyer and seller of something specific that will change every VU. This will help add some interesting things to the RCE...
A factory today would in my eyes be worth nada zip zilch.. for the single reason that there is not enough players to support them. Give us a player base with ACTIVE players of around atleast 200000 and they might be worth something. There is not a big enough market yet or enough big crafters to be able to produce enough for it to be a viable option.
Give us a player base with ACTIVE players of around atleast 200000 and they might be worth something.

You won't see that until they fix the loot system. Most people are willing to spend maybe $30 a month on a game, maybe a little more. With the current loot system you will burn through that in a weekend, if you are fairly conservative.

I don't see these factories working out without better loot from hunting/mining. You have to deposit hundreds of PED just to solo craft. How many are going to be willing to invest thousands of PED.

The only way this might work is if there is some kind of crafting skill or production bonus for making items in one of these factories.
Buying: Flying Car Factory UL must have large show room area
I would trade 2 space pirates, 3 vehicles, and all the fish I could catch in a week for one. I'll also throw in my Full Shadow (M) *.

* Note: Missing helmet, feet, arms, thighs, shins and the gloves are pixie.
The worth of an item is directly related to the amount of revenue the item can produce
But the price of an item can vary tremendously from its worth.
How much are clothes worth in EU? And how much revenue can you get if you buy clothes?
How many are going to be willing to invest thousands of PED.

seriously? you see ppl globalling for hours on end each day on OA-101, Murdand Groover, Killian (?) Sword, ... they recycle several thousand PEDs / hour :silly:

on topic : 60k! and two of my finest chicken recipies! ;)

How much would you be prepared to pay for a factory?

So what is the question here...?
How much will it cost (topic title), or how much would you be prepared to pay?

There's going to be quite a big gap between the two numbers.
Hope phones are implemented at the same time so I can ring in sick on Monday mornings.
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seriously? you see ppl globalling for hours on end each day on OA-101, Murdand Groover, Killian (?) Sword, ... they recycle several thousand PEDs / hour :silly:

on topic : 60k! and two of my finest chicken recipies! ;)


Ill see you the 60K and the chicken recipies.. and raise you a picture of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln mud wresteling in front of a house made entirely out of prime numbers...
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.....ahhhhh the factories.....

My guess would be that they'd remove crafting machines in SC and have them only in the factories so that the owners could collect taxes on crafting loot like hunting or mining on private lands.

If I had a fat PED card with the current economy the way it is I think I'd probably pay up to 100k PED if the above were the case. Then set the taxes low at around 1.5% and hope other factory owners set the taxes high so that I would own the market.

If we knew NOTHING about factories and they appeared on auction I probably wouldn't pay a single pec for one. I realize that I'd probably be turning down an investment.... but if MA|FPC had the audacity to sell factories without explaining them to us they wouldn't be getting a dime from me out of principal. In the end.... my assumption would be that the cost required to purchase a factory would by far outweigh any returns for a while.

Now.... if factories charged taxes.... how much would the personal manufacturing terminals then be worth? ;)
.....ahhhhh the factories.....

My guess would be that they'd remove crafting machines in SC and have them only in the factories so that the owners could collect taxes on crafting loot like hunting or mining on private lands.

If I had a fat PED card with the current economy the way it is I think I'd probably pay up to 100k PED if the above were the case. Then set the taxes low at around 1.5% and hope other factory owners set the taxes high so that I would own the market.

If we knew NOTHING about factories and they appeared on auction I probably wouldn't pay a single pec for one. I realize that I'd probably be turning down an investment.... but if MA|FPC had the audacity to sell factories without explaining them to us they wouldn't be getting a dime from me out of principal. In the end.... my assumption would be that the cost required to purchase a factory would by far outweigh any returns for a while.

Now.... if factories charged taxes.... how much would the personal manufacturing terminals then be worth? ;)

Some very interesting points. Hadn't considered personal manufacturing doubt we will now see a stream of them on auction at ramped up prices :D

The removal of existing machines sounds plausible enough. However I think we'll still keep the existing machines where they are at SC's.
Monkey Man said:
That's probably what you'll make vehicles in
kinda like a mall, it'll be sold in auction and a factory owner would get 2.5% of all the PED looted in it

Various Participants and Societies will be able to go in and start a large crafting project probably will be a vehicle BP or something that requires a SHIT LOAD of components.

Then the soc or person will continue to craft components until
he has all of them. Afterwords one click is done and you
lose 100,000 ped in 1 click. New Record ^_^
I'm not sure how it would be like, but I agree with the above quote that
my friend Monkey Man said. If it were like that I'd pay over 200k for a factory assuming I had that much.
i cannot see how factories could work along side existing crafting without fundemental imbalance or being just a glorified personal crafting terminal. therefore i think they are likly to cost about the same as a personal crafter terminal combined with a large estate.
Ill see you the 60K and the chicken recipies.. and raise you a picture of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln mud wresteling in front of a house made entirely out of prime numbers...

Dear lord! That would rip a hole in the space-time continuum! :laugh:
i cannot see how factories could work along side existing crafting without fundemental imbalance or being just a glorified personal crafting terminal. therefore i think they are likly to cost about the same as a personal crafter terminal combined with a large estate.

The factories may be able craft something which normal craftiong machines cannot e.g. vehicles. This way the two could exist side to side.