HP increase

Aug 26, 2006
How do you increase your hit points? there was mention in the how to make money in entropia thread thatto make money by hunting you need to have a HP of 250. Which part of my avitars skills is the HP and how do I increase it?

Nicky snakeyes DaNase
No amount of hp guarantees profit. What you need currently to get to a point you might profit regularly is either 10 years of your life + 30,000 USD or one year of your life and 80,000 USD.
Way to encourage the new players
many skills contribute to hp gains , just do a search and i`m sure you will find the info you are looking for :)
Way to encourage the new players

I think it is wrong to give players looking to make a profit in EU the impression it will be easy. This might be a virtual universe but like every other game you pay some and get some entertainment in return. That's why I try to turn people who are only looking to profit away before they waste alot of time and money only to be disappointed.
Nightbird was a little blunt, but fairly accurate. Look back in this forum and you will see this same type of question twice a week.

People get sucked in by the whole "make real cash playing a video game" hype and then get frustrated and quit.

A more complete response is that almost everything contributes to health gains. I have just over 120 and I am at 3.9k in handgun with the associated evade, agility, etc. that come from playing to that level. It would cost a bit just to chip up to my level these days.

There are not that many players in the 200+ range, and to chip up to that level would be insanely expensive under the current system.

Even if you do chip up, you still can't chip in attributes. They also play a roll in things. After all of that, it isn't like the money just roles in.

The higher the level you are, the better you're chances are of looting more valuable items, but you also end up spending huge money on equipment and supplies.

If you want to profit, buy a Land Area. Otherwise, it's a game. Play it and have fun.
How do you increase your hit points? there was mention in the how to make money in entropia thread thatto make money by hunting you need to have a HP of 250. Which part of my avitars skills is the HP and how do I increase it?

To increase your HP you need to do things that gain you skills. The relevant skills are listed on sites like www.pe-wiki.info if you want to chip. Otherwise, just go out hunting (or even mining) and you'll naturally gain HP along the way.

And you don't need 250 HP to make money hunting. I've been reasonably consistently profitting through hunting for about a year now, and I only have a little over half of 250HP. OK I'm not getting rich and I could make quite a bit more money for the amount same time working in Burger King but its nice to make a few ped whilst your having fun!

Have a read here at the forum, and talk to people here and in-game. Don't expect to be profitting straight away and don't expect to suddenly be a millionaire. Be patient, concentrate on being economical for a while and then experiment with your own ideas and other people's ideas.
I know alot of people who made money with alot less. Although it think with the current system (no amped opalo and crappy loots) it will be real hard to make a profit hunting. What you can do is to skill up the best you can (preferably in 1 profession, eg laser sniper) to become as skilled as possible in that so you will be economical. Then if you reach a certain level where you can switch to non learning weapons, and you enough money to buy an economical gun, you are able to make a profit if you hunt smart.
It used to be a greater deal being smart and a smaller part being skilled / have the good stuff, but nowadays it more and more depends on how many skills and which items you have. But still playing smart is the way to profit (or being insanely lucky).
thanks guys

Thanks, all this information has been very helpful. I know that Entropia is not about making money in the short term (unless you invest 30,000 PED on cheap items and sell them at a small profit and then use all that profit plus the initial investment to buy more cheap items and so on), but I had to find out more about how the system works so that I can play better. I made many mistakes in both skilling and trading in my earlier days and dont want to make any more.

Still, the chances are that opportunites for profit are there, but one has to look below the superficial.

Melee is very quick to skill hitpoints-But thenagain, most skills give hitpoints, check pewiki to see a rough guide on which skills give what

I have a follow-up question to the original posters question.

With the current skill nerf, is it still possible to get 250HP? Realisticly?
