Question: Human skeleton parts from NPC, any ideas?


May 15, 2006
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Velikii Komby Kombinator
As many people mentioned, saw an NPC there that seels bones that can form a complete skeleton, are these useful for anything or used anywhere, or are they just a fun novelty at this point?
I would love to know what these are for as well... seems silly to put in an npc to sell useless items...but then again...nvm I'll be nice.

The NPC doesnt sell the head tho... you have to loot that.. or buy it from auction! ;)

I would love to know what these are for as well... seems silly to put in an npc to sell useless items...but then again...nvm I'll be nice.

The NPC doesnt sell the head tho... you have to loot that.. or buy it from auction! ;)


Interesting point...does anything we know of loot that as of now?
Someone, I think it was Hijacker, looted one from a Mind Reaver the other day.
those are from the scientists that were dragged into the depths from basecamp2
I looted a head as well.. kept it since the NPC doesn't sell it.
Nice, so what loots the head, mind reavers?

And did you try putting the head together with the rest of the skeleton into refiner?
Nice, so what loots the head, mind reavers?

And did you try putting the head together with the rest of the skeleton into refiner?

Yes I did and none of the parts can go in a refiner... I tried dragging them onto each other as well with no luck.

Looted a skull from either a beserker or shaman Thori yesterday. 60ped tt max. I'll keep it for the time being but I can't imagine there's much use for them other than decoration (they seem to drop rather frequently).
subscribing until I see a walking dead guy
I have two skulls looted both look different. Also noticed another variation of the skull in the auction house.

Wonder what these are for.....
what have those mobs done :laugh:
Any answers on this yet?

Any answers on this yet?


Inquiring minds would like to know.

Its a mystery wrapped in riddle inside an enigma!

I got a head, and a pile of skulls that I don't know what to do with.

Looted someones ball sack (L) too, something to do with biotropic / rez?
I've looted 3 different skulls. One with no lower jaw, a complete skull, and one with a broken lower jaw. All 3 are simply called "Human skull".

Hmmm..... wonder if there's a "riddle" that needs solving or if it's just for future use?

Looted a skull from either a beserker or shaman Thori yesterday. 60ped tt max. I'll keep it for the time being but I can't imagine there's much use for them other than decoration (they seem to drop rather frequently).

i looted 2 different skulls there. but both have 50 ped full tt. not 60.
Maybe we'll get a Necromancy instead of Taming. Would love to lead a personal army of the dead to the rig.
I got a few human skulls from the Halloween Instance Mobs - Value = 21 PED Full TT.

Where is the NPC that sells the parts btw?
What's missing from the caves is arms and hands, I think.

Maybe we'll get a Necromancy instead of Taming. Would love to lead a personal army of the dead to the rig.

The attempt to resurrect professor Barton gave globsters ;)
Looted a skull from Thoriofoid Berserker in LA6. Anybody have any idea on these yet?
Note that there are 2 different kinds of "Human Skull". Same name, different look, different tt.
any more info on this?
I believe those parts are used to spawn a boss mob. Can't remember his name.
Would love to find out, I got a few of those skulls.