I guess I need a mentor (I'm in Eastern time)


Mar 7, 2016
My name in game is Jaxis TheGiant Jiantage, and I am in EST.

I've been exploring on my own, but rather haphazardly, just running or driving far out in random directions and hitting T. I've found some teleport pads that way. I'll run this way and see what happens. I like exploring though so it's no big deal, but having someone to show me the ropes as it were would certainly help. I've already made some noob mistakes, like for instance, my vehicle exploded.

I'm here out of curiosity, because a Twitch friend was saying how he had fun but was also bored with this thing. I know at this point I can't get rich quick or anything like that, but even with my haphazardness, I can see why people do stick around.