I Won MA event! CES3


Jun 23, 2006
Damage Inc
Avatar Name
luca GuNOiL brassi
Mid level skills, Mid level armour, broken ped card, big heart = Lucky Bas***d

well i really needed this, so thanks. try again tomorrow for AS147, since ive taken 2 days off for it all and was too busy for Mayhem event. well my 1st MA event win, Woo Woo lets hope its the start of MANY!

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
139ped Atrox Mature (isisCB13)
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

so NooBs can get Lucky!!
Gratz :D

Are the events all taking place at the same location? If so what is on the mob menu, I see an Allo so Allo and Atrox?
Yikes thats some nice prices you got there massiva markup stuff.. could you calculate the total value of the prize you got for the curious bastards =) (like me) :yay: And oh yeah Big gratz :D
Are the events all taking place at the same location?
Yes LA far SW of Hearts, but sadly sold out in December
Atrox (Young to old)
Berycled (Young to Alpha)
Allophyl (Young to Dominant)

could you calculate the total value of the prize you got for the curious
about 6/7k :yay:
Wooooot 100 ped ammo :)

Well gratz...champ! :thumbup:
woot gunny nice win! kill em all!

Thats an nice price! gratz and i hope you will win some others!
hehe very nice, i finished 4th with two globals. gl tomorrow, but unfortunately the AS will be mine :p
well i really needed this, so thanks. try again tomorrow for AS147, since ive taken 2 days off for it all and was too busy for Mayhem event. well my 1st MA event win, Woo Woo lets hope its the start of MANY!

How do you know the prize of the fourth event?

mega gratz on your nice loot
Gratz man:yay:

Good to see some of mid lvl can win events to :D
Gratz GuN

nice to see you are doing well :D
thanks all for the comments just need to sell the gold now, was thinking of keeping the gold and stacking it in a Italian job styley pile in my apt hehe but didnt work...
ggggzzzzzz mate!!!!!
Fantastic win! and richly deserved too! :yay:
gratz!!! , but youre not a noob , just for the record.


// ermik
nice to post event hof :) gratz
Big gratz Gun! :wtg:

sry for the late post - just saw it now.
Just saw this thread now, don't know if I already said so ingame but grats!:yay: