Help: Is it me or do the Ziplex TK120 Suck?


Aug 7, 2008
Hello all.

I just got upto 2000 In prospecting and thought I should change my 105 to a new finder (Such a Mistake) - I had a nestegg of 600 ped after I bought my 120. Well 450 Bombs later and a run half way around the world and zip.

One or two XI and a few Iv and V with an outcome of me being totaly broke.

Am i doing something wrong here? the 105 gave me a return of -30% invested to a massive +300% invested but the 120 is take all my cash with no medium or big finds.....

HELP! should i be using an AMP? I never have before - is there a certain area I should be going too? I am getting around 690/702 for depth.....

Do u max the finder yet ?

I had the same problem with the 220 in the beginning but nw I love it (can't wait to start using the 320)

Well I have maybe droped 200 bombs total unamped since I started to use 120 and 220 but that cant be it. Had some of my biggest claims with the 120 :) (amped ofcourse)

Try changing area to mine ?

I just checke dteh finder and i am at max depth...... Bugger.

I tried 5 different areas..... Bugger all!!
amp is a definately yes for tk series..
tk series is good if u intend to find rarer resource for some reason, my contact with tk120 was bad like u mentioned but then i do notice difference once u amped, u find duruliums, colbalts, gazz those slightly higher priced ore more regularly compared to 105 with mostly belkar, narcasium , lysteriums. TK120 also can find rarer ones example (from my own records)

Quantium w/ 101/2/3
kanerium w/101/2/3
maganite w/101/2
tridenite w/103 (1stone)
langotz w/101/3
dianum w/ 101/2/3
cumbriz w/101/2/3
gold w/ 101/2/3
Xeremite w/103 (1stone)
Adomasite w/101/2/3
Ignisium w/101/2/3
Megan w/101/2/3
terrudite w/101/2/3
ganganite/ w/101/2/3
Kirtz w/102

and of course those regulars like lyst, belk, narc, blau etc etc... with starting 101amps

it's wasn't that bad... u just need to amp'ed that but i think i only had 3-4 globals with that finder. but alot of XI and XII, just no luck with globals. and my 20k cumbriz is not tk120.
TK series sucks if you rnt able to locate some rare ores with them in my opinion...
It's not just you, 120 is really useless.
Selling slightly used 120 - lol

Thanks fo rteh feedback, appreciate it.

Will go back to my 105 for a bit and make some money i think.

Kinda annoyed...but live and learn.
I have used the tk120 unamped with success. Yes, you don't find resources at the same rate, but you are searching deeper. If you want to know how many globals I had in the past four months using it here they are:
zinc ~80ped
copper ~237ped
lyst 132, 53ped(oa101)
going through 75% of the finder

I do like finding rarer resources though (gold is always fun) but i've not yet found xere, kirtz, zand or ruga. The tk120 takes a different discipline to use than what you are used to, i think. If you don't like it at all i'm sure others would be willing to buy it off you :)

I do some mining ... and its a nice finder for me
The TK is for rarer ores, you arent going to hit with the same frequency, full stop. You are searching deeper, and therefore less % of ores being there, most ores are shallow (the common ones). TK is for finding rare stuff, dont waste your time if your looking to make constant finds. Stick to 105 you have wrong mentality for TK finders :)

No offence intended :)
I do like finding rarer resources though (gold is always fun) but i've not yet found xere, kirtz, zand or ruga. The tk120 takes a different discipline to use than what you are used to, i think. If you don't like it at all i'm sure others would be willing to buy it off you :)

You want find any zand or ruga with it :laugh: Xere is possible, although higly unlikely, and kirtz a bit hard too (and only on cnd as you should know).
have the same experience, 120 sucks :(
You want find any zand or ruga with it :laugh: Xere is possible, although higly unlikely, and kirtz a bit hard too (and only on cnd as you should know).


It reaches 1k.
They are all possible.

ruga start ~750

(who said I *wanted* to, just stating facts :p found everything else (not redu, not vesp obv either so nyah)
Well from what I have seen in Kozlicek´s thread, he is using the tk-320 full-time and isnt having problems with getting a good return in terms of TT (around 90% lately).

But what you guys are saying here is that the TK series is only good for rarer ores and therefore you will be getting less claims, and lower TT return but that the markup should pay for it?

It reaches 1k.
They are all possible.

ruga start ~750

(who said I *wanted* to, just stating facts :p found everything else (not redu, not vesp obv either so nyah)

Depth is nothing, finder is everything ;)

I bet you 100 peds to find a single ruga or zand claim in full tt tk120. :yay:
Agree with you it Suxx Mega Ballz... It finds some rare ores once in a while but it´s just not worth it.
But what you guys are saying here is that the TK series is only good for rarer ores and therefore you will be getting less claims, and lower TT return but that the markup should pay for it?

No ... I use it often, its a good allround finder for me.

But mining is luck and a little bit know how (and skills) .... so all finders > 105 works for me, depending on the place where i mine.
120 finder can't find zand or ruga. They start with the 220 finder. Found 2 xeremite claims with it and with 220 I have made alot more :)
I used one back in March, 90%+ of the bombs i dropped with it were amped with OA103 or bigger.
Ruga i did find unamped though.
Of course only 1 stone each but at least i found it twice.

Overall i liked it had plenty of globals and HOFs with it and skilled up in a decent speed at least for my noob miner aspirations.
TT wise - return from each and every one of the finders is the SAME.

Its all a slot machine in that case.

While different finders provide different ores in different ratios - thats what its all about.

All the rest is up to the user to figure out, though there are so many variables that noone can really be shure.

Since you are only 2000 skill in prospecting I betya didnt have a nightmare phase in your mining just yet.
By nightmare phase I consider ~10k bombs with 30% TT return, no globals, no HOF no nothing. Anywhere you go, any finder you take - just n.r.f.


120 finder can't find zand or ruga. They start with the 220 finder. Found 2 xeremite claims with it and with 220 I have made alot more :)
It can.. my socmate found ruga with it at shinook
TT wise - return from each and every one of the finders is the SAME.

I don´t agree with that. In my experience there is a signifigant change.
I bought the tk 120 once .. I hated it, too :D
Just FYI.
Amped or unamped, I still seemed to lose my ass off. :dunno:

Hope you find your happy place :)

And Igorl - totally wrong statement.
If it were all the same - we'd all be using OF 101's ;)
I bought the tk 120 once .. I hated it, too :D
Just FYI.
Amped or unamped, I still seemed to lose my ass off. :dunno:

Hope you find your happy place :)

And Igorl - totally wrong statement.
If it were all the same - we'd all be using OF 101's ;)

Well this time I should disagree with you instead, I think.

Igorl said finders find stuff in different % ratios, and that is what it is indeed about. Tho the TT found still differs, each depper finder giving less TT back than previous one a bit (more decay for MA).
Well this time I should disagree with you instead, I think.

Igorl said finders find stuff in different % ratios, and that is what it is indeed about. Tho the TT found still differs, each depper finder giving less TT back than previous one a bit (more decay for MA).

Igorl says that the tt found is always the same, despite what finder you use. I find that to be completely false, is what I was saying.

Each OF is dynamic :D
I have heard a ton of negative rep about the TK120. I would say maybe 9/10 people say they have had bad luck while using it.

Just theoretically, I would think the TK120 would be the best of the TK finders, because it is not so excessively deep that it only finds rare ores like the 320, but it is not so shallow like the 105/Z20 that it cannot find many rare ores at all. It is kind of like the best of both worlds...

The 120 is right in the middle (depth-wise) between the Z20 and the 320. I think the main reason people use PED while using it is because of the markup. If these things had a normal markup like 120-150% instead of 200+%, it would obviously be easier to profit using it.

Just my 2 pec :D

Zand is also possible. Ill take a screen after my next trip to senga ;)

Ive had very good luck with these finders. 88% tt return the first one unamped and made ~800 peds with it. The second one im almost done with is going to be even better and Im using oa101s.

These finders are very touchy and have very long bad periods. You just have to wait it out or mine through it. Also, overamping is very easy to do with them. The other big trick to them is to only mine the areas with rare ores that you know are dropping. You can mine all you want but if MA isnt dropping any more ado/langotz/ruga/zand/ect you arnt going to find any.
It's you